Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Report for Galthain of Satal Keto

Designation: Vess 3: 08/02/03

<Vessicant continued exploring his new office. He found a key under a memo and opened the far left desk drawer. There was a single, large, half-empty bottle within. He turned it over in his hands to examine the label. “That’ll put hair on your chest.” He mused. It seemed to be a tradition for Galthain’s former QUA’s to leave behind various gifts for their successors.

A member of Galthain’s support staff knocked, bowed, and entered reverently. He placed an overflowing folder on the QUA’s desk and exited quickly as Vessicant gave him a very annoyed glance. The Knight set down the large bottle, and opened the lower drawer to get the ulcer medication. He opened the small bottle and took a whiff. He almost fell off his chair. He quickly opened the bottle of alcohol and compared the two smells. They were exactly the same…. He burst out laughing. >

This week’s report (sorry about the late hour…had weird working hours today).


Yes this week my report warrants this particular section.

-Drumroll please, Mariusbob, Galthain’s Ace, is now a Guardian! Oh how the mighty have…risen. Excellent work, mb, keep it up!


-Only one this week. I get a Diamond Crescent for my submission to the Sith Mission Competition.


-This week there has been a bit of communication with a few members.

-My ACC initiation battle is now over. I’ve been battling our honourable PCON, KAP Dalthid, since July 25th. All I can say is WOW…that was NUTS! The battle culminated, after MUCH carnage (ie. Dalthid purposely walking into my saber with his shoulder, and my hands being vapourized later on), with us both turning on the Judge!

<turns to dalthid> I’m the one who’s honoured, Dal!

I may have to fight him again whenever I can see straight again…he did hit me in the head with his spiked saber hilt a couple of times: P

-Our AED, Waffennass, is spearheading the construction of a new Galthain website.

-WW and I are continuing out talks concerning House Comps…standby.


-The Sith Mission Competition is now over.

-The CSK Clan System Competition is now over. WW and I appear to have been the only ones from Galthain to participate….

-A new score submission form has been added to the DB website, log in and use it to automatically report scores for your online flying activities.

COMPETITIONS and other things you can do to get noticed and get us out of this slump:

-Last week I referred to Arcona as a “House”…in actuality they are a “Clan”. I stand by my earlier comment…I am confident that we can crush them down to that level IF we pull together and hit them where it hurts. <yes, that should nicely cover that little goof up>

  • CSK Bash O’ Rama Competition:

[One month of Gaming and Carnage to raise CSK from its slumber!!

Challenge anyone and everyone to whatever DB supported game you wish...the more the merrier.

Start Date: 7/27/2003 End Date: 8/31/2003 Unit in Competition: Clan Satal Keto Platforms: JK1,JK2, XWA,XvT(etc), SWG duels and the ACC!! Awards: CF's for individual wins as they occur.

Standard Crescents for overall winners at the end of August. Comments: Submit all victory details;

Game, Players, Scores and Winner to KAP Dalthid.

Do not submit wins that have already been counted in events like the training nights in #outerrim. If I find that you are trying to get awarded twice for the same battle...you WILL pay.]

-ACC: I highly recommend it if you enjoy writing. Remember I’ll even help you with editing if you want. This will be used in the ACC, don’t let CSK’s Krath stand alone! Show ‘em all that Sith can be literate!

-The newest issue of the Dark Voice was delayed due to lack of submissions. You could always help them out….

-There are two new courses in the Shadow Academy for your enlightenment. An IRC basics and a Meditation course.

-You can always write fiction or do some MP flying to pass the time :P

Seriously, if you want I’ll even help edit fiction pieces for you (depending on how much time I have)

Find a way to be active. Stand up and let your voice be heard. Tell the galaxy that YOU ARE ALIVE!



Galthain's homepage: http://www.minos.net/~xura/Galthain/index.html

The Clan MB: http://www.satalketo.net/mb/

and last but not least, the new ACC webpage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/

Our roster has decreased to 9 members:

QUA: Dark Jedi Knight Vessicant ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

AED: Warmaster William Waffennass ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dark Jedi Knight Liara ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Jedi Hunter Carl Starr ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Guardian Night Grue ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector Luke Morin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector Guardian mariusbob ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Acolyte Osra ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Novice Bela Tal'rasha ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

That's it for this week.

Serve the Darkness,


DJK Vessicant(Sith)/QUA/Galthain of Satal Keto [KSOE: CCE] ACC: INI/DC-KC/(SN)/Cr-1T-4E-4S-3A-1R-2D/DSS-QK {SA: G:P2-G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}


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