<title>PCON Report</title> </head>
(#7) PCON Report: 03 Aug 03
Morning CSK!!! I apologize for my lack of report last week, I usually don't miss one...in fact, I think that is only the second I missed since I've been in the DB. I know you were heart broken that there wasn't a report...but please don't cry.
There's a lot of stuff going on in the Clan, both overtly, and covertly. The Feud is getting its last minute tweaks and should be off the ground shortly. Phase 1 of the system comp is getting handled as well, with judging decisions being made, and will also be finished shortly. There are some other competitions running in CSK that I think folks should get on _[A word to competition directors: Please don't be bummed if no one plays...keep up the good work!] _
The ACC is freakin' busy!!! I am glad to see the participation from various members of the Clan. Koidyis has the proud honor of being the first to score a win over your illustrious PCON...damn fine job!!! I've conceded a battle to DJK Vessicant due to his stupendous writing ability and imagination...I hope the concession flies with whomever judges it, great work!! Next in line are OC Arso and GRD Xehr...let's see if you can stand as the last two Jedi have.
PCON's Quote: "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees..."
This is the current Feud participation list that was devised through responses to the mass e-mail request: 14/41
SO Gord Darkonian (Gord)
KAP Dalthid (Dal)
OC Waza Sunrider (Waza)
OC Arso
GRD Mal'ari'carun (Alaric)
GRD Minerva
ACO Koidyis
KP Maradis
OC Tatsu
DJK Vessicant (Vess)
ACO Osra
SWM William Waffennass (WW, wet willy)
GRD Bane
GRD Xehr
Title: CSK Bash O' Rama
One month of Gaming and carnage!
Challenge anyone and everyone to whatever DB supported game you wish.
Date: Now
End Date: 8/31/03
Comments: Do not submit victories for battles that have already been awarded
Send all submissions to KAP Dalthid: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
ALEEMA<font size="2"> Competition</font>
Title: The Perfect Murder
Describe the perfect murder. You can be the murderer, witness etc. Describe who, what, when, where, why and how...in detail. Bonus for ingenuity, the most clever plot wins.\
<tt>Start Date: Now
End Date: 8/15/2003</tt>
Send submissions to GRD Xehr: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
KIRLETA Competition
Title: Dismemberment
This will be a screen shot competition with a twist. I want screen shot of the Kirleta troopers dismembering their opponents, head, arms, legs this work well in Outcast. The JK1'ers will prolly have to download Spork or one of the SBX mods to get a good opportunity for dismemberment. The objective is to take off the opponents appendage(s) & get a screen shot
of it in the air or on the ground, not the body, but the part of the body taken off.
Zip all entries
Send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Start Date: Now
End Date: 8/31/2003
**_GALTHAIN Competition_**
Nothing House particular. The QUA wants focus on the ACC and the PCON Competition...good idea :)
Congratulations to all promoted and all award winners!!!
Question of the Week: How much wood would and Ewock chuck, if an Ewock could chuck wood? (1st right answer wins)
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