Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hey! My first report as QUA! ph34r it you must..for I 0wnz0r j00 all! HAHAA! ph34r m4 |_337 QU4 5k1llz!

Anyways...enough with the L3375p34k...at least for now..

As I'm sure you're all aware, I'm now the Quaestor of this fine House. And, yes, Sithie has gone on to grander things, and is PCON. So, go congratulate him, if you havn't already.

In keeping with the kind of...I dunno, tradition, that Sithie started as QUA, I'm going to keep these reports very informal and as brief as possible. For the time being, that is...if I feel like these aren't getting read, I'll fall back on my old TC-style of reporting...VERY military. And, I doubt that any of you would like that..now, would you?

Ok..news.. Well, the position for Mystics TET is still vacant, but don't think that means that you can all just scramble for it, kill all your competitors, and claim yourself Emperor of the Phyle or anything. I've got a couple people lined up for it, and I hope to have all the details and stuff ironed out soon, and my replacement posted ASAP.

In finding a new TET, it has been brought to my attention, to desire of one of our more senior members. Telona has expressed an interest in reopening the Wizards of the Crypt, our other Phyle. Now, since I reminded that we even HAVE another Phyle, this is something that I'd like to strive towards. It could make for some interesting in-House comps, as the Mystics and Wizards are pitted against one-another. So, if you'd like to help re-open our second Phyle, send an e-mail to myself and Telona at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. Oh, and my e-mail is in the "from" field of your mail application, in case you don't know..yeah...

Let's see, what else...hmmmm... Oh yeah! We've had some promotions and medals given out this week! shuffles through the papers cluttering his desk

Let's see... Aari was awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star, for being the one to come up with my new nickname. Congrats.

Spears was promoted from NOV to ACO. Congrats there, too. Keeping plugging along, and you'll be a Knight in no time! And, Spears has also passed the IRC Basics course at the SA. Good work! That's something that I'd like to see more of us doing...myself included..

And, last but not least, lex crafedum was promoted to PRT this week! Another young one well on their way to owning their first lightsaber...I'm so proud! tear

Well, that's all I can think of for this week. So, as always, if I left anything out, tell me and whack me with those little nerf bats you all seem to have...especially the Mystics... Anyways..look out for comps in the near future, as we get prepared to the Great Jedi War heading out way sometime this October. We need to become a cohesive unit, so that we can 0wnz the rest of the DB!

Have a fun, safe, and productive week. And, as Sithie's always saying...let's rock this joint!

...sorry, had to say it...

and now, this senile old leader-type-person is off to bed...sleepy-time for QUA's...

            ...keep away from me while i'm asleep, Oberst...  

KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]



SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai



--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001

Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --

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