Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Report for Galthain of Satal Keto

Designation: Vess 4: 08/09/03

<Vessicant woke up several hours later with a sour taste in his mouth and a monstrous headache. That was definitely good medicine. He looked around the room, squinting against the bright lights of his office. It was now that he saw something unusual; his robes were neatly piled on his chair…strange, he didn’t feel a draft.

He looked himself over, he was wearing a new set of robes, those of a Sith Warrior. He stood as quickly as his current state allowed and walked to his desk. There was a large envelope with the seal of the Sith High Warrior upon it, and the nameplate on his desk had been altered. He opened the letter and smiled as he read the confirmation letter. He looked at the empty bottle on the floor, definitely good medicine. >

This week’s report:


Last week we had one promo, this week we have two promos…so logically speaking, next week we’ll have three promos! Okay, so probably not…but wow what a thought! :P

-I’ve been elevated to Sith Warrior. <maniacal laughter ensues for about ten minutes>

As Dalthid was nice enough to point out, this makes me the only SW in CSK. Drinks are on me: P

On an interesting side note: now I can finally put people into hibernation trances, thereby winning far more drinking contests….

-Our other lucky Brother is Osra, who now bears the rank of Protector. Good job!


-Waffennass gets an Amethyst Crescent for 1st place in the CSK System Comp.

-I get a Sapphire Crescent for 2nd place.

-Osra gets an Emerald Crescent for 3rd place.


-Construction of the new Galthain website continues.

-House Comps may have to be put on the backburner. We don’t want them interfering with the Feud now do we? At any rate, talks continue on these.


-A new score submission form has been added to the DB website, log in and use it to automatically report scores for your online flying, and fighting activities.

-The CSK vs. Arcona Feud looms on the horizon.

-A Vendetta and the next Great Jedi War are being planned.

COMPETITIONS and other things you can do to get noticed. Make sure you read this, because there are new things to do:

  • CSK Bash O’ Rama Competition:

[One month of Gaming and Carnage to raise CSK from its slumber!!

Challenge anyone and everyone to whatever DB supported game you wish...the more the merrier.

Start Date: 7/27/2003 End Date: 8/31/2003 Unit in Competition: Clan Satal Keto Platforms: JK1,JK2, XWA,XvT(etc), SWG duels and the ACC!! Awards: CF's for individual wins as they occur.

Standard Crescents for overall winners at the end of August. Comments: Submit all victory details;

Game, Players, Scores and Winner to KAP Dalthid.

Do not submit wins that have already been counted in events like the training nights in #outerrim. If I find that you are trying to get awarded twice for the same battle...you WILL pay.]

-There’s a new Comp from the SHW. You can leave your mark on the Compendium and Sith Manual for a long time to come by creating a description or graphic (or both) of the new Sith HQ. It can be a palace, fortress, ship, space station, etc.

The more detail the better, but the external appearance of the place is the most important thing right now.

Send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

This Comp ends on the 23rd.

-If anyone’s interested there’s a new JRDC….It can be found on the DB mainpage under Jac’s 8/8/03 report.

-ACC: I highly recommend it if you enjoy writing. Remember I’ll even help you with editing if you want. The ACC will be used in the Feud, don’t let CSK’s Krath stand alone! Show ‘em all that Sith can be literate!

-The Dark Voice is being renamed, and they need your ideas for names. They’re giving out medals this time, might be a good thing to do.

-Speaking of the Dark Voice, they could always use fiction submissions….I’ll even help you edit stuff (depending on how much time I have).

-There are two new courses in the Shadow Academy for your enlightenment. An IRC Basics and a Meditation course.

-You can always do some MP flying.

-Although the Sith Mission Competition itself is over, feel free to make more missions and send them to Gord. They would be greatly appreciated.



Galthain's current homepage: http://www.minos.net/~xura/Galthain/index.html

The Clan MB: http://www.satalketo.net/mb/

and last but not least, the ACC webpage: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/

Our roster stands at 9 members:

QUA: Sith Warrior Vessicant ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

AED: Sith Warmaster William Waffennass ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dark Jedi Knight Liara ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Jedi Hunter Carl Starr ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Guardian mariusbob ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) -Galthain Ace.

Guardian Night Grue ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector Luke Morin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Protector Osra ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Novice Bela Tal'rasha ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

That's it for this week.

Serve the Darkness,


SW Vessicant(Sith)/QUA/Galthain of Satal Keto [KSOE: CCE] ACC: INI/DC-KC/(SN)/Cr-1T-4E-5S-3A-1R-2D/DSS-QK {SA: G:P2-G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET}


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