House Qel-Droma
Aedile Report # 15
It's good to be home again! As you could notice by now, I am back from my holiday :P BIG thank you to Arcturus who was keeping an eye on you, during my leave as acting aedile. Thank you my friend for yours help.
I want to welcome our two new Qel-Dromans. Cyris and Kronos. With their arrival our number increased by two and this gives us 34 members! Welcome again guys, I assigned you to Loreseekers phyle, yours Tetrarch is KE Alex, so feel free ask him in case of any questions you may have. But also I'm always here to help.
No one else but the SCL -- CybeyrGuy turned today 18 years! So he's having a party where also our Quaestor is going to appear, that's why his report might be delayed till sunday :P
Competition "What happened when Tiss left?" is over and the winners were selected, so congratulations go this time to: Arcturus -- for taking the 1st place, Anshar, for being the 2nd and to Xuthing who joint as 3th. And I want to thank to all of you who participated.
During my leave some of you were promoted, and/or awarded with medals.. and well there's quitew a lot of all this, so I'll just say `grats to all who were awarded. :P
Feud with Satal Keto is running. For us -- Krath -- the most important are ACC fights, so if you haven't got any yet, then go and challenge someone from CSK. There is a hall, created special for our feud, so go! go!! go!!!
I have 5 fights right now! If I can, you can as well! :p
Arcona vs CSK Feud.
ACC Celebration Ladder.
The Early Years.
New Tetrarch, new motto.
This comp was set by JH Strategos, and it is foreseen for Prophecy phyle only.
Shadow Academy Banner.
August KMT.
Comic Comp.
You can't complain on boredom, eh? :p
Epis Alex -- don't forget to make yours report on time :P
Epis Anshar Kahn
Epis Azazel DjoTarr -- congratulations on yours GC!!
Epis D'hak
Epis JaM3z Lucius Entar -- have fun at Cybey's party!
Epis Korbane Ashoka
Archpriest Frost
Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar -- as I heard on leave
Archpriest Tissaya Luna Argat -- yay I'm back! :p
Archpriest Trent Sterling
Priest Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler -- Thanks a lot for yours good work as A-AED!
Dark Jedi Knight Cyris Oscura -- Welcome in QD!
Dark Jedi Knight Hildan Wytusc
Dark Jedi Knight Konrad Von Drakenhof Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Krona
Dark Jedi Knight Leara
Dark Jedi Knight Lillie Hawke Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Xander Torrent
Jedi Hunter Ktulu Mizheray
Jedi Hunter Strategos
Guardian Alex Draconis Entar
Guardian CP
Guardian Kris Omega
Guardian kronos omega --welcome in QD!
Guardian Xuthen i-Sa'onserei
Protector Dalk Darklighter
Protector Haste black -- good luck in yours fight with Arania (you know why eh? :p)
Protector Jandos Phyleus Kalinor
Protector Kandos Katarn
Protector Kurzed
Acolyte Haztix 'W0kkity' Fenns Entar -- yay, w0ky got promotion to ACO :P
Novice Enilias
Novice Homura Omega -- this guy is going to be outta here pretty soon, like today or tomorrow.
Novice Morgan
Krath Archpriestess Tissaya Luna Argat
House Qel-Droma Aedile of Clan Arcona
Eclectic Pedagog of Dark Jedi Meditations Studies
ACC : Learner
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