Commander of the Guard Report


Commander of the Guard Report

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Well, the report is a little late, but blame the power grid :P I posted a new item with the problem, and full power still hasn't been restored, but my area has had power for about a day now, so it's all good. Let's just hope this holds out. Below is the outline for the GMRG as well as the Guilds. Read it carefully before deciding to go ahead with anything. These details however will be re-written for addition into the DSC (someone with better writing skills than mine will fancy it up :P). Questions and comments to me.

*Grand Masters Royal Guard: *

The GMRG is comprised of the best and most active multiplayer Dark Brotherhood Members. Their mandate is to compete in both internal, and especially external multi-player competitions.

*Platforms: *

The GMRG will only use SW-based games. Currently, the games used by the GMRG are Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter and X-Wing Alliance. As other SW games are released, they will be looked at to see if it is compatible with the GMRG.

*Membership/Joining: *

The GMRG is open to all orders, with any order using whichever game(s) they so please. Joining the GMRG is through invitation or application. Noone is automatically allowed in. The decision to invite or accept application is upto the Commander of the Guard. Should an application be deemed worthy, they will enter the GMRG.

*Internet Relay Chat: *

Many of the activites by the GMRG will be done through IRC. For that reason, a channel shall be used for the purposes of the GMRG. This channel is #gmrg and can be found on the undernet server.

*Official Tag: *

When fighting for the Dark Brotherhood, tags are used in MP games. So that there is one consensus among all DBers, as well as to let all other clubs know who we are, we shall use DJB as our official tag. Place DJB in front of your name when playing MP to show yourself as a DB member!

*Ranks: *

Guardsman --> GMRG: GRD

Sovereign Protector --> GMRG: SVP

Gladiator/Gladiator Prime --> GMRG: GLD/GLP

Seraph (Seraphim for Plural) --> GMRG: SER

Guardsman - Rank upon joining the GMRG. The "initiate" rank

Sovereign Protector - To become a SVP, you must have either 20 wins in MP competitions or have played 40 MP matches (with at least 50% coming from external MP competitions).

Gladiator - To become a GLD, you must have 60 wins in MP competitions or have played 120 MP matches (with at least 50% coming from external MP competitions).

*Gladiator Prime *- The rank of GLP is given out to only exceptional Gladiators, and the decision for this elevation is upto the CoG

Seraph - To become a SER, you must win in tournament hosted by the GMRG. Each GMRG platform can have a Seraph. These tournaments are open to the entire DB, and as such, a winner may be outside the GMRG and still be Seraph. It is an honorary GMRG title. Ladders shall be used to determine the winners in each platform.


Once in the GMRG, you must continue to be active. To stay in the GMRG, you must play at the minimum 10 MP matches per month(6 must come from external sources). Should you fail to do so, without a prior explanation, you will be demoted one GMRG rank. If you are a Guardsman, you are kicked out of the GMRG, and are given one month to prove yourself before be re-admitted. However, should anyone feel they can no longer be active, the may retire the GMRG, and if they choose to return, they shall be given their previous GMRG rank back.

*Guilds: *

Guilds are groups of active Dark Brotherhood members that come together to play games outside of the SW realm. Guilds are divided by the game they use. Any game may be become a guild, so long as it has been previously approved.

*Proposals: *

All proposals to start up a guild must go to the Commander of the Guard, Deputy Grand Master and Grand Master. Proposals would include as much information as possible about the game (links, specs, what type of game, etc...). Also, explanations on how the platform is to be used; where/how will games be played and what types of gaming oppurtunities are open to those who join. The more information included, the better a proposal has of being approved.

Anyone sending in a proposal must also know that should they guild be formed, they will become it's leader. Hence, do not send in proposals if you are not ready for the commitement of leaderhip of a guild. Should a proposal be approved, the proposer must then find 15-20 active DB members (depending on the type of game) and submit their names to the CoG, DGM and GM before a guild can be formed.

*Guild Leaders: *

Leaders of guilds shall have the name Guild Master at the moment. All guild leaders are in charge of keeping it's guild active by putting together the various oppurtunites for gaming. Setting up competitions for its members and keeping all of its members interested. All competitions must be approved by the DGM and CoG. Also, leaders are to have some sort of website portal, depicting their game, links to the Brotherhood and information for the members of the guild. An up-to-date roster must also be kept.

*Membership: *

All members who join guilds must first be ACTIVE members of the DB (must be in a clan, not in the rogues). How active a member must be is depended upon the specific Guild Master. Members are to be active within a guild, but they must also be allowed to enjoy themselves. Being in a guild is to be a relaxing experience. Anyone may be in multiple guilds, so long as it doesn't detract from their normal DB duties.

*Guild Structures: *

Inter-guild structures are can vary from guild-to-guild, depending on the type of game, guild master or other reasons. The bare minimum is a Guild Master and other members. However, should a more structured approach be used, it must first be approved by the CoG/DGM/GM before it can be implemented. The structure for a guild may be one of the items included in your proposals as well, but are not mandatory


I would just like to publicly thank the following people for their ideas and comments on the GMRG/Guild system. They helped alot in finding the flaws as well as coming up with new ideas: DA Nemesis, JH Cannabisia, DA Keirdagh Cantor and KPN Sith Bloodfyre. Thanks guys!

External Competitions:

Yesterday started the XvT Week of War! The WoW uses Battlestats to keep scores, and games are played through the Zone. Also, there is the InterClub Competition, Saturdays at 4pm EST in #outerrim on IRC.


Still don't need one....but I probably will soon.

Other Stuff:

Work now begins on the actual restoration of the GMRG as well as getting some guilds up and running. The whole GMRG activity thing will not be counted until the next month. This month will involve actually getting people into the GMRG. Also, there is some information there for non-GMRG people, especially about the Official MP tags. Read it all people :) I will also be needing a website, but I'll post a news item on that. As always, should you have any questions or comments, you can either e-mail me or bug my on IRC under the nick `Halc

In darkness,

SWL Halcyon (Sith)/COG/Dark Council [ACC: INI]

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