Hey again, Gladius. Time once again for what you've been oh so looking forward to all week....the Gladius Report! That's right, I get to bore you all again, and promise it again for next week!
Good news for the House in the past week. As you should all know by know, the Wizards of the Crypt have been reopened. With Telona at the head, I foresee that this Phyle will become one to rival even the Mystics...oh, the competitions that can spring from this! So far, including Telona, there's four members to the Wizards--which is to be renamed soon. So, if you're not in a Phyle yet, I encourage you to get in contact with me, and either Telona or Ciara about getting into either the Mystics or the Wizards. Now, don't think that just because the Mystics are the elite Phyle of the House, doesn't necessarily mean that they're better...but, that's debateable, I guess. Anyways...if you want to have an even better time here in Gladius, join a Phyle.
Had quite a few SA courses passed, and a few medals come through my inbox from the database. So, without further ado, here's who got what this past week...(and, if any of these are repeats from last week...don't kill me. My inbox is a mess right now...)
-Kudos: Passed 'Dark Jedi Meditation' with a 100%
-Spears: Passed 'Dark Jedi Meditation'with a 100%, 'Leadership Studies' with a 97%
-Raziel Luthien: Passed 'Dark Jedi Meditation' with 100% (good work you guys!), 'IRC Basics' with 100%, and 'Krath Grammar Studies' with 78%.
Good work you guys. I want to see the rest of the House doing those SA courses...unless you'e done them all, that is..
Ah, and on a related note...we now have a new Dark Knight in our ranks! So, everyone congratulate Obscurus! Good work, buddy!
And, again, if I accidently missed anyone, let me know...with as little violence as possible...
Ah, and now the FUN part....comp! I probably should have run this by Sithie first, since his comp's still going on, I think...but, I'll take the abuse I'm bound to get.. Anyways, I've got a nice, big, long comp planned out for us, to get us ready for the upcoming GJW. It runs from today, until Saturday, October 18th. So, that means two months to get all this stuff done. And, since I'm too lazy to write up about it, I'll just copy-paste it here...
The following Competition Request has been approved.
Title: To Arms!
A competition that, in several parts, will allow House Gladius to become a
cohesive unit, and to prepare the coming GJW. This competition will, as
always, involve fiction and poetry writing.
The first phase of this will be writing a detailed character history, and
then sending it to the entire House. Through this, everyone can come to
know each other a little better, and be able to write their comrades into
their fiction much better.
Phase Two will be taking the histories that were developed in the first
phase, and writing a story involving two or more Gladius members,
including the author. This builds upon what was learnt in the first
phase, and bring everyone else closer as a result.
The third phase will involve a run-on on the Gladius message board.
Nothing too special here, just again getting used to writing other people.
And, lastly, will be a free submission phase. This is were the members of
Gladius write a story or poem, about just about anything pertaining to the
House. This is designed to get in a little more practice,
and--hopefully--demonstrate that there has been a learning experiance from
the first three phases.
Start Date: 8/16/2003
End Date: 10/18/2003
Unit in Competition: House Gladius
Fiction, poetry
Crescents according to the placing within each phase.
If there's any questions on that, please e-mail me, or catch me on AIM. And, to give an example of what I'm kinda looking for in the character history, I've attached a story that I wrote. It's what I'm sorta looking for, but it doesn't have to be that long. I'd like in-depth, so that others can get an idea of how your character works...but, I don't really want the life story...well, at least not starting at conception, that is...
Well, I think that's it for this week. Talk to you all down the line, and have a fun, safe, and productive week!
KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]
SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai
--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001
Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --
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