<title>PCON Report</title> </head>
(#9) PCON Report: 24 Aug 03
In the heat of battle...
Well, what's going on in the Feud?
The ACC is pretty packed, though I do have some concerns. There is an "unsaid" rule in the ACC concerning "reasonable" amount of time to post in response to a battle. The "reasonable" amount of time is 1 week--if you went through the trouble of accepting the challenge in the first place, that shouldn't be a problem. After that time the battle will be closed, and currently, the individual who did not respond in time will lose the battle. Unfortunately, there are a good chunk of CSK battles on the docket for this process which will count as losses to us. The only remedy I have is to GO POST-- but that only works with people who are actually aware of their situation. So, if you are not going to post to your battles, you might as well "draw" them and give Arcona the win faster, so someone else can challenge that individual (in the case that the said individual is at the 3 battle "deny challenge" stage). There isn't much time left for the ACC portion of the Feud, so all that needs to happen should start now.
Obelisk: They have taken on a new tactic! Instead of complaining about how the feud "should've gone", they are sending out "open" challenges to the Arconan...great idea! Specifically, Bane and Tatsu, as those are the ones that I have seen.
Sith: I have to admit, I have no idea what's going on with the Sith. If anyone has current information, please let me know.
GRAPHICS: There is a graphics portion to the Feud that some of you would be great at!!!!
EVENT 2: Graphics:
**Produce a graphic that has some relation to the Feud: JUSTICE. The image may be of a scene from the introductory story, it may be from your own story or game mission.
While computer generated images are the most obvious medium, it should be noted that anyone can draw, scanning it in is the only complication.
Submissions in .JPG or .GIF format only.
All submissions must compressed in .zip file format.
There should only be one image per zip file.
Submissions should be made via this link
[Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Last I saw it was with Brat...if you still have it you have to get moving!!! This particular Run-On is extremely "time sensitive" as we need as many folks to add to it as possible. If you get it, and don't have the time, send it out to the next one in line! (<<that rhymed :)
**NON-Feud Related:
Title: CSK Bash O' Rama
One month of Gaming and carnage!
Challenge anyone and everyone to whatever DB supported game you wish.
Date: Now
End Date: 8/31/03
Comments: Do not submit victories for battles that have already been awarded
Send all submissions to KAP Dalthid: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
ALEEMA<font size="2"> Competition</font>
Title: The Perfect Murder
Describe the perfect murder. You can be the murderer, witness etc. Describe who, what, when, where, why and how...in detail. Bonus for ingenuity, the most clever plot wins.
<tt>Start Date: Now
End Date: 8/15/2003--EXTENDED</tt>
Send submissions to GRD Xehr: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Koidyis has a trivia competition out as well, its called "Have You Been Paying Attention?". It's a plethora of useless SW related questions that will really make you wonder what he does with all his time, hehe...you can find it here: http://www.darkjedicrypt.com/Trivia.htm
KIRLETA Competition
Title: Dismemberment
This will be a screen shot competition with a twist. I want screen shot of the Kirleta troopers dismembering their opponents, head, arms, legs this work well in Outcast. The JK1'ers will prolly have to download Spork or one of the SBX mods to get a good opportunity for dismemberment. The objective is to take off the opponents appendage(s) & get a screen shot
of it in the air or on the ground, not the body, but the part of the body taken off.
Zip all entries
Send submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Start Date: Now
End Date: 8/31/2003
**_GALTHAIN Competition_**
Nothing House particular. The QUA wants focus on the ACC and the PCON Competition...good idea, but its strange that there hasn't been a House competition in weeks and I still have no submissions from them for the CSK Bash O' Rama.
That's about it...
_There is a NEW site up for your friendly neighborhood PCON!!! It is "banner-free" and has a cool url: www.darkjedicrypt.com I am taking anything from graphics to fiction to poetry...whatever...to add to the site's contents, even screenshots. Yea, its mine...I own it, but I'd like it to be available to everyone. It was primarily
but has been adjusted to look fine on either that or 1024x768...anything less...man, you're killin' me._
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