Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

Hello and welcome to yet another episode of...."Combat Master's Report"! This is your host, Combat Master Xizor!


My apologies for not writing down the report earlier, but I have been away for the weekend and Monday. In the process, yet another week has passed, and the ACC continues its progression gradually.


  • First and foremost, thanks to KPN Kaiann who came up with the idea, the ACC Compendium is now equipped with Dark Side Force Power Abbreviations. Thus, instead of forgetting to write them down, or writing the numbers and slightly obstructing the flow of writing, you can put the initials written in the abbreviation guide. You can find them here:

  • The Judges' Guide is complete, and will soon be up and running, so any new Judges, don't bug me with questions unless you absolutely have to :P

-I will be talking with Trevarus on how the new Character Sheet and Force Power Guides are coming along, and they will be inducted in the ACC's system as soon as possible

Other news:

-The membership of the ACC is constantly growing, and I would like to thank both Judges and Trainers for keeping up the good work and the Centre functioning normally.

-I have chosen KP Arcturus Xyler to be my Praetor, and he will be assisting me in wrapping up the SA ACC course. When I'm on LoA, Arcturus will take command until my return.

-The Feud between Arcona and Satal Keto is showing lots of interest in the Centre. There are currently 53 battles running in the Feud Hall. Good job guys! Also, it has been decided by me and DGM Jac Cotelin that the Feud matches, mostly because of the inexperience of some of the Clan members, will follow the 4+2 post system, instead of the 10+2 or the 6+2. Consuls, any questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

-I dunno if I've mentioned this in any previous reports, but there has been a new Hall created, the Starfighter Hall, which is, as the name clearly shows, a Hall for clearly spaceship battles. JaM3z will shortly be adding a "Pilotting" skill in the Character Sheets, which will be a requirement if you wish to fight in said Hall.

-ONE MORE MEMBER NEEDED FOR THE LADDER! Somebody go subscribe so we can get things started!!

-Lastly, I would like to apologise to all the people I'm currently fighting because of my delay tactics in replying, but don't worry, it's getting there and it's gonna be good. So patience :P

I do believe that that's about it. Until next week, this is Combat Master Xizor.

I'd just like to add that Xizor and his staff are doing a phenominal job with the ACC.

I have recieved emails from the ACC for the past 13 days, and in that time period there have been 416 posts to the ACC. That is amazing!

Keep up the great work, everyone!

Hmmm... about the post counts - how about making this variable (personally I'd occasionally like to fight some shorter and some longer battles)- challengers can select anything between 2+1 and 5+1. A win in the battle would then count as many victory points as the number before the plus and ranks would be awarded by 4 points equaling one win on the current scale. So, instead of 3 wins, I'd need 12 VP for squire - e.g. three 4+1 battles or six 2+1 battles. (current wins should be converted by actual post counts - i.e. Q-hall fights give 2, others give 5).

Just a thought


Hmmm...that'd make things VERY complex...We'll see about the choice thingie, but I dunno about the rank advancement requirements....

It's actually not that hard - a number readily stored with the battle is added to the scores instead of the 1 and then all rank requirements are multiplied by 4. (store VP won and lost instead of or in addition to the battles won/lost)

This setup just makes things more fair than a flat award, otherwise folks fighting longer battles would advance less quickly.

How about a post count is bound to a specific hall. So for example, the Qualification hall has 4+2 posts (so 2 posts each and 1 deathpost each).
If you set the post count on 0 for a hall, then if you challenge somebody in that hall, you can choose how many messages. So if you can choose that there'll be a dropdown with the options:

Is that an idea?

Yeah, that might work. I'll see what the others think about it though.

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