Dark Greetings,
Well I would like to say that activity is looking a lot better. I have seen a
great rise in what evreyone is doing.
Keep up the good work on this.
No promotions this week.
Well that day has finally come, Blade and I are a year older(tomorrow) A
correction needs to be made, Blade will be 20 not 19. Sorry for the error. And
of course I will be 18.
On to other very important buisness, Schools all over are now openning their
doors, to let some of us hellions back in. So I'm I know the activity will be
going down, dont let that get you down, School is more important. So make that
come first.
On that note, I will be actually moving, and going to a new school, I will be
leaving Saturday, So with that said Blade will be incharge, his word is my
word. So do what he says. I will return as soon as I get all this school stuff
sorted, which should be about a week.
Sadly do to this change of everything, I am not 100% sure hos much interent
acess I will have, I know I will be able to do E-mails. a slight possibility to
do IRC, but I know I wont be able to do JK2. Reason for this is I'm not sure if
I will have a conenction in my dorm, they offer teh net to students anywyas, So
Im afraid I might have to step down, But I will ride this out to the bitter end.
Dont forget to participate in the OHC comp, and the Inerim Training.
Thats all for me for now.
Let Darkness Reign
DJK Zekk (Obelisk)/P:OHC-QUA/Cestus of Tarentum[GMRG] [KSOE: CCE] [ACC: JUD]
{SA: G:P1-G:P2-G:IRC}
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