Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey it's been another week. Nothing has happened at all even on my part. School is back in session for all you who go. I'm not attending this semester just because I didn't feel like it. When you've been in school since you were three, you kinda want a break.

Anyway, like I said, nothing has been happening. I've not gotten any submissions for my competition as of yet. I'm hoping that you all will give me submissions as a nice birthday present. Yes birthday present! My birthday is this Friday :D I'll be 22 this year and won't be around that whole weekend. Well, maybe for a little bit one day but that all depends on if my friend comes to see me or not.

Let's see what else.... Make sure you participate in the competitions that are available for you to participate in. You don't have to CC me your submissions but I'd like that. That's all I got for this week. Now get back to those books!

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