Well all, it's that time again.
Firstly, I have to apologize. If Mav or Jac (or anyone else for that matter) can forward this to FF, I'd appreciate it. My email isn't working for some reason, so I'm posting this from the Yahoo Group website itself. I was hoping Zig would've been around to continue writing up the Clan Reports, but I guess not.
This week has seen a lot of good stuff going on, Tarentum. I really have seen this Clan coming together more as a unit, and I see only good changes coming. I think we're all finding our groove of activity, and togetherness, and I'd like to commend you all for the hard work and effort you've all been contributing to the greater good of everyone within our Clan.
There's a lot of things going on, and some of them are a few of the changes I made mention of earlier. I'll fill you in on some of them now. There's changes going on DB-wide that will necessitate the eradication of all clones. That's not that big of an effect upon Tarentum, since the only clone that I know of is my Obelisk clone. They're doing this because they want everyone to know there's no need for clones in order to compete in anything. The DC wants to press the point that we can all compete in any manner, just that there are "main" ways of competing as listed (flying to Sith, FPS to Obelisk, writing to Krath).
There's also the revamping process of the Knight Trials. I'm sure some of you remember this, but I don't think the former trial system was as successful as it could've been. I've heard some excellent ideas from Oberst, and we'll be working as Summits to come up with a new trial system that we hope will be more poignant, and be more important, and almost "ritualistic," as gaining knighthood should be. Part of this is also a new idea to tweak the Master/Apprentice system that is currently used, and we will release more info on this as we hammer out the details. I will say that I have seen a lot of great ideas from everyone who has responded to those subjects so far, and I think you will all enjoy the changes.
There are, of course, other changes slated as well, but some of them I'd like to keep quiet for now, until I know more, and until I can get in touch with Jac, and get his thoughts on a few things. however, I would like to have as much time as possible to inform everyone, and to work out changes coming, so that we can be as prepared as possible, and make these things work for us.
The ICTE continues to be a good source of activity for the Obelisk, but we coul dhave a better showing. For anyone who plays JK2, come on out, play some games, earn some Clusters of Fire, and have some fun with the rest of us. It's a good idea to make sure you have the current 1.04 patch for JK2 to play multi-player games, and I'll track down the location to download that patch and send it across the list tomorrow.
On a final note, let's make use of this list. We don't have to go hog-wild, and do everything here, but it's a good idea to make sure everyone keeps in touch, and it helps us to know what everyone is doing, and to help people who need assistance. For anyone who has ideas on recruiting, shoot them across the list, or email them to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you'd rather keep it in private. I just want to make sure that we're staying as active as we can, and having as much fun as possible. That's the key, everyone. Let's just make sure we're keeping this fun, and something we can all be proud of. I know I'm proud to be here with you all. You're the best Clan there is, and I always consider it an honor to be among you.
And yes, you probably can guess what I'll say now. Let's rock this place, Tarentum. I've got a Clan Feud trying to be planned with Taldryan to prep us for the GJW, and if I can't get that, I'm going to have a Clan Comp. Either way, there will be something. Let's just do what we can to make sure we're giving this all we have, because I'd like us all to put out the best showing we can in the upcoming GJW. You all deserve the kind of recognition that comes from placing in Vendettas. Let's reach out and grab the victory Tarentum. It's ours by right, and by skill.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre (Krath)/PCON/Clan Tarentum
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