Loreseekers Phyle Tetrarch Report #3
It's 1 AM, I'm drunk, and listening to Mozart. Twenty bucks says I don't remember this in the morning.
~Phyle News~
This Phyle doesn't really seem to get a whole lot of news. As far as I know, the only thing that's gone on around here in the past week has been that Enilias guy getting a promotion to ACO. So...congratulate him, or something. Actually, that reminds me of something. If any of you ever feel that you're deserving a promotion, let me know. But you better have an impressive list of activity to back up your claims. Look, it's not my job to actively seek out what you did to make you deserve a promotion. If you're too lazy to point out to me that you deserve one, then you probably don't.
~House/Clan News~
The Feud's still going on. Apparently, Mejas wants you all to stick lit firecrackers up your ass, and then try to put them out by running madly about doing stuff for the Feud. I, personally, couldn't care either way. As long as you do SOMETHING for the Feud. Just one thing. That's all I ask. Cause, otherwise, it's gonna be me getting bitched at for not making my Tyros active. I hope you're all intelligent enough to recognize the fact that I'm not putting pressure on you. I don't expect every one of you to get 500 points for Arcona, and I'm not gonna threaten you with loss of respect, loss of promotion opportunities, or even expulsion from the Clan if you don't participate. That's just stupid. You do the best you can, and that's all I can really ask of you.
As far as I know, there's nothing terribly new this week. The Feud's still running, as are the KMTs, and any other comps that haven't passed their end date. I'm sure you'll hear all about any competitions you need to know about in the Quaestor Report, and the Consul Report. Probably not the Aedile report this week, though, since I'm Acting Aedile while Tiss solves her computer issues, and my Active Aedile report will be pretty much the same as this one. :P
Not a whole lot to say this week. As always, if you need to reach me, I'm always available through e-mail ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and on IRC (Bograt). If you message me on IRC, and I don't respond, don't worry. I'm probably just idle at the moment. Oh, and...when chairs start talking to you, it's time to go lay down.
GRD Alex Draconis Entar (Krath)/TET/Qel-Droma of Arcona
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