### The Weekly Jac
9 . 20 . 2003 <-
"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man."
**** All That Personal Stuff ****
Big week for Jac this week. It's Move-in week at OSU and that means <s>fun</s> hell. We have about 30,000 people coming in to campus and of that, about 5,000 call the ResNet office to get help. Big pain in the buttox. I will be working from about 6 AM till 8 PM on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Long hours, but I'll rack up some overtime. I should already have about 20 hours of OT after working on the ResNet website all week.
Other big news is...dum dum dum! Jac got a new job! Starting on the 29th, I'll be moving upstairs to the OSU Website and Small Applications development group. These are the people that make almost every important Ohio State website, and it going to be a damn good addition to my resume, not to mention a nice pay raise after 2 months.
It's funny...I can't wait for class to start so I'll have more time. :P
**** Proposals update ****
I've made some changes to the proposal that I sent out to the DC and will be re-sending that tonight to them as well as the consuls. Included within will be a lot of discussion points that were brought up by DC members. I feel we are making some good progress on getting issues ironed out. Ideally, I'd have more time to work on it, but that's my life for ya...sorry.
**** Feud Rules ****
I didn't get any response for my request of feud rules except for from Mejas and Gord. Dis everyone just think that Justice went perfect? If so, that's cool too. :)
**** JRDC ****
Yeah -- I never got to it...sorry.
**** Big Props ****
Now it's time for <s>something completely different</s> big props
Big Props to Eryyc Lassiter on his fine work with the SWGPA!
Huge props to Sith Bloodfyre on his Sapphire Blade!!
Yaaay for Mav and his promo!
w0000t! Xizor got a promo!
Huge Props to Mordin Malchia on the promo to Templar!
**** The List: ToDoToDoToDo (the same...)****
Continue communications about and updates to "the proposal"
Create feuding rules
Update MB mods
Continue work on Project:Stroyline
Finish the CoJ site that I keep putting off...sorry Yacks
Update the DGM site
"You know how to paint a room real fast? Just put paint rollers on your feet and then somehow figure out how to skate up the walls and across the ceiling."
His Eminence, Lord Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin
Deputy Grand Master to the Brotherhood
Grand Master Emeritus, Ex-Fleet Admiral
aka That st00pid Jac Guy
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Who met Jac? Fleshy met Jac. Oh yeah. Jac is one cool guy. :) And I even got ResNet set-up, because you plug in the ethernet cable, and it works...and..well, that's it, you plug in the cable. :P So I won't be one of 5,000 going to Jac for help, woo. Anyway, see ya laters. :)