Herald Report


Herald Report

Sorry about yesterday - I got really busy and forgot!

The Dark Voice

Sources tell me that the DV will be available quite soon. Article content is in, some submissions are in, and site construction is nearly complete.

Now I'll address a couple FAQ's.

"Why is it taking so long?"

We want this rebirth of the Dark Voice to be better than any previous attempts. The level of quality that we strive for takes some time, serious effort, and dedication from all who are involved. Some of these things are of limited resource lately.

"What is this I hear about awards and the DV?"

For submitting to the DV (and having your submission used) you get a DSS. I am looking into having a 'Best of Category' award which will be a medal to be determined later, but most likely the DC.

Project Epiderm: Phase II

If you haven't looked at the Epiderm II site, go there now!

Here's some news from Cyris:

I have managed to create six skins for members of the Brotherhood, and more await! I have been kind of slow, and I apologize, but I was need in Arcona, for the Justice Feud.

IMPORTANT : I have reuploaded every model, after I realized that none of their bots worked, except for the latest releases (Khobai and Dagger). I would suggest you redownload the skins if you want bot support and the latest upgrades.

-- Cyris Oscura

Kaine Mandaala: HRLD of the Dark Brotherhood


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