<head> <title>CoG Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>
Sorry for this report being so late. I just haven't had the time in the last couple of days to sit down and write a report. Anyways, onto the report
*Grand Masters Royal Guard: *
Another slow week for the GMRG. We have had a few people leave due to limited time, and the month is almost over, meaning we may have a few more removals. However, I have a few more people in mind that I will be contacting this week with invitations. Also, we may have a little competition with another club soon, so all GMRG should get ready for that. I didn't have time to work on it last week, but I will start doing some planning for a DB-wide competition for the title of Seraph in various platforms. Just to make it "official" Jedi Academy is now a platform in the GMRG as well. Like that was a surprise :P Haven't heard from Dags this week, so I'll be taking a stick to him and see what's up :P
There's a bit of news this week on the Guilds, both those that have been formed or want to be formed. I will give a brief run-down of what's happening in each. The DBPA is still running it's course and doing a very good job with it. There have been a number of messages passed between the members and I am very happy with what I've seen. A new website is in the process of being made as well.
DB Player's Association (SWG) - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)
Diablo 2 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)
WarCraft 3 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Unreal Tournament 2003 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Total War - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
America's Army - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Allegiance - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The XvT WoW finished last week, but with no participation. However, the XWA WoW has started! I do know we have people who do play XWA, so get out there and fly! There are alot of awards available to people who do participate in WoWs, on top of the usual CF's. For more information, go here. Friday starts the JK2 WoW, so I expect a good turn-out for that one. If any help is required in getting started, please feel free to mail me anytime.
CoG Site:
Mejas has completed the graphical layout of the site, so all I need now is the coding to be done, if I'm not mistaken.
** I'm not sure how well the ICTE did this week, but I posted messages on all of our allies MB's reminding them to come out for the ICTE's. Also, I mailed a few other clubs, inviting them to this competition. I had only heard some sort of response from one club though. I will continue to harass though.
SA Course:
I shall work on this, even if it kills me :P
Other Stuff:
It's really hard having a life :P There is alot I want to do and get done, but finding the time and energy to do it has been difficult. However, I am getting used to everything, so I should have the energy to get alot of things done this week. If there's anything else concerning guilds or outside MP competition people would like to see, please give me a shourt. Below are the new lrics. Remember, first person to post a comment with the correct answer wins
Lyrics of the Week: (Last week's winner: Bloodfyre)
Picture yourself sleeping on a place
There's something ticking in the overhead, and inside your brains
There's bodies in the water
And bodies in the basement
If heaven's for clean people, it's vacant
In darkness,
SWL Halcyon (Sith)/COG/Dark Council [GMRG: CoG]
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matthew good band - load me up
Dammit Xuth. :P
yeah, and i even sent a mail first.... hits herself in the head :P
yeah, and i even sent a mail first.... hits herself in the head :P
aand for some reason that comment was placed twice.
its a conspiracy, i tell ya
Yea, it must be.
eek, Halc, that was the longest report that ever has been put on this site. I bet. =P
And btw, what time that WoW thingy begins ??
The various WoW's start Friday's at about 10am EST and end the following Friday at 1am EST. Hence the name, Week of War. The JK2 one starts this Friday, and the XWA one is currently on.