Well, well, Tarentum. It's that time again. And I'll tell you what, I know I have a lot on my mind at this point. We have a lot of new recruits, and a few pieces of news which is pretty important.
First off, as you may have heard, Zig is going to be stepping down as Consul. I've known about this for some time, but I wanted Zig to be able to tell people on his own, first. As you may know, Zig is in the british military, and though I wish it weren't so, Zig is slated to be shipped back to Iraq within the coming weeks. Zig has talked to me in-depth when he has been on, and he knows that his absence affects the Clan. Zig is one of those leaders, he goes through what we go through, even when he isn't with us, because he cares about this Clan, and he cares about all of you, as well. He's expressed to me a wish that he could redo his tenure, and be more present, to participate along with all of you. I'd like to thank Zig for his friendship, and for his efforts in serving his country, and being a force to protect the freedoms of the world. Whether people agree or disagree with the war, or not, that's not the real point. We can all agree to thank those men and women who give their lives to protect us, and to ensure we have the choice to make the decisions we all make each day of our lives.
In other matters, we do have new recruits. I've been on the JA server a lot with Blade, working to bring more recruits into Tarentum, Cestus specifically, and I'm pleased to announce that we have between 3-6 possible recruits. Two of them are most definitely excited to join, and I hope Cestus continues on gaining members, and staying strong. They've also gained Apprentices Veramm and Virtualu, and I'd like to welcome the both of them to Cestus and Tarentum. Gladius also has a new member, Krath Epis Anshar Kahn who comes to us from Arcona. I'd like to extend a welcome to Anshar, and to everyone again, and I look forward to moving onto increasing excellence with all of you.
On another note, I've been doing the DB trivia after each meeting for a while now. Next week, we're having Darth Vader trivia. Should be fun, for those who want to come out. I don't know what the time coversion is into GMT, but it's at 1 PM EST. If I remember right, I think it's 6 PM GMT, but maybe someone who knows the timezones can verify for me? I'd invite everyone out to the DB meetings, and to the other stuff, as well. The meetings are on the Undernet of IRC, in #db, but we also have our Clan's channel, #Tarentum. On Saturdays at 4 PM EST, we have the Inter-club Training Event, which is a good way to get practice with the games, earn Clusters of Fire, and represent the Clan in events. We also have the Antei Combat Chamber (ACC) at:
For everyone who likes to write battles, this is for you. As always, it's like a run-on (posting back and forth) with one other person that focuses on a single battle. It gets pretty interestiung, and can be fun and diverting.
In closing, everybody, we have the GJW coming up sometime in the near future (end of October, early November from what I've been told), and I'd like for all of us to make a great showing in this, and prove that Tarentum keeps its spot as one of the pre-dominant Clans of the DB. We have one of the most talented Clans in the DB, and I thinkyou're all great. Let's maintain contact within our Houses, and within the Clan as a whole, and lets make sure we keep unified, and make sure we're the closest Clan there is. You all make me proud to be among you.
Let's rock this place, Tarentum. I know we can dominate.
-KPN Sith Bloodfyre, Proconsul of Tarentum
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