House Qel-Droma
Greetings Brethen.
...and welcome to my another report, I stopped to count them somewhere in the middle of being Aedile, so I won't go into numbers aagain. =P
Speaking about reports. Great work Cyris, with your yesterday's report, I appreciate your work. And now we wait for Tetrarch's stuff. :P Don't be late with them. The time limit: sunday's night. If you really can't do them on weekends. Let it be the other day, if it is a must.
As Cyris and I promised, the training before next GJW has beguan. First portion is ACC event, hosted by Cyris with a help from Arc. Notice: Training Hall. Plus the character developement. I encoruage you all to take part. We NEED to train, and we need to do it NOW. So don't wait for the last day and do the DC competition today!! As for story and poetry portion, I'll host them. Expect tomorrow some info about the new competitions from me.
With Anshar departure in last week, the envoy of QD was opened. I selected, no one else but Priest Arcturus G. Xyler for new QD Envoy. My Congratulations, Arc. =)
Little personel switch had a place in this week as well. In short: Bograt is now the RollMaster, and Krissy got a job of Loreseekers Tetrarch. Congrats to both of you, now, get to work. ;-P
YAAAY Voranyen has returned from rogue!! What's more he's a tyro in Dark Orb. WELCOME BACK m8 ! =)
Alex Draconis Entar was promoted in this week to the rank of Jedi Hunter. My congratulations again. Oh and, I'd like to thank Mejas and JaM3z for my promotion to Epis. Thanks. =)
Good work Morgan with Shadow Academy Courses, we are proud of you! makes a picture of Morgan and his diploms :P
Bograt runs AWOL check so reply to him (and CC Kris if you are in Loreseekers phyle) within a week.
Character Development!!!!!
October KMT
Notice that the poetry portion is hosted by ME, so you have to take part!! :P
Epic Competition
Arcona Trivia
Galeres Ladder
Epis Azazel DjoTarr
Epis D'hak
Epis Korbane Ashoka
Epis Tissaya Luna Argat
Archpriest Kelvis Xavier
Archpriest Trent Sterling
Priest Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler
Priest Cyris Oscura
Priest Vassan Rokir
Dark Jedi Knight Konrad Von Drakenhof Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Ktulu Mizheray
Dark Jedi Knight Leara
Dark Jedi Knight Strategos Thanatos Entar
Dark Jedi Knight Xander Torrent
Jedi Hunter Alex Draconis Entar
Jedi Hunter Kris Omega
Guardian Haste black
Guardian Kandos Katarn
Guardian kronos omega
Protector Dalk Darklighter
Protector Jandos Phyleus Kalinor
Protector Oscar
Protector Parn of Lodoss
Acolyte Enilias
Acolyte Xrath Darksythe
Novice Morgan
Apprentice Scalez
In case of any questions/problems/troubles/thoughts/concerns/misunderstandings/yada-yada/whatever you know you need where's my office. So contact me if something happens.
Krath Epis Tissaya Luna Argat
House Qel-Droma Quaestor of Clan Arcona
Eclectic Pedagog of Dark Jedi Meditation & ICQ Studies
ACC: Fighter
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