Galeres Special Report for October 6th, 2003
Well, certainly a lot has happened over the past week. Thats why Ive decided to issue this special report a few days later then when the reports are usually due. As you should all probably know, I am now Quaestor of Galeres as Primarch Mage has resigned due to lack of time. Mage will remain a member and will undoubtedly be a valuable asset to our house. It is important to remember that in light of all the rapid and frequent leadership changes in Galeres, this one will probably stand for a while. I am pleased with the members we have, who are all active and contributing in their own way. I can complain about none of you. Keep up the good work. I need to issue a few instructions now that I am QUA so that we all understand what is going on.
First, Rollmaster remains open for application. Please apply as soon as possible so I can select a replacement soon. Bear in mind that even if you dont apply, you are still eligible for the position depending on what I may or may not decide. It is preferable, though, that if you want the job, you should apply. The duties of the RM will be elaborated upon once you receive it. However, expect to do more work than just sitting around and monitoring the mailing list. You will probably be tasked with helping Locust deal with new recruits. Do not worry, it is not an overly demanding position.
Aedile is NOT open to application. I do not yet know how I will deal with the job. It is my intention to begin training a replacement for myself as soon as possible. Why do we need a replacement so quickly? No real reason except that Id prefer to have someone ready to take over if something dire happens to me or Im magically promoted to some high position without my knowledge. I will appoint an AED when I feel it is time to appoint one.
I am recusing myself from playing in the JO ladder. I cant judge myself anyway so Mage, you have a bye this month. Fortunately, Cyris signed up to play so he will take my spot next round.
I encourage you all to communicate to me via email or IRC or whatever way you want to. But Id care to remind some of you that I do not respond to telepathy. So please stay in contact with me somehow.
Now, lets move onto the bulk of the report.
Brotherhood News
I expect all of you follow the news to some extent. Here is a rough summary of stuff going down.
Dinaari and Kirleta are feuding. I think its only fair that we root for Dinaari :P
There will be a DJB New Year Extravaganza meet up. Details are on the main page
Lorad Desmos is the new CON of CSP
Submissions for the Dark Voice are now being accepted. Details again on the main page
The position of Chancellor is now open. Applications must be mailed to Jac and Firefox
There is a new gaming night on Tuesday at 2 PM EST to 10 PM EST. More stuff for us to win!
Lastly and MOST importantly,
Arcona continues to dominate the number of matches played in the ICTE. Keep up the good work! EARN CFS!
Clan News
Mejas is still sexy ..oh and there is a CTF League for JO. Sign up with Jam3z to join the Arcona team.
Oh and .someone I dont know who I think it was some Krath? Oh yeah .that girl named Tiss yeah she got promoted to EPISESS
Congrats Tiss!
House News
Wow! We have a lot of news this week!
Primarch Mage has stepped down as QUA and I am now QUA.
OT Destavol left us .then returned to us! Welcome back Dest!
OP Gavin Dahl was removed into the rogues since he was virtually AWOL
ACO Astnagrath left us for House Dinaari
APP Tale Dennon joined us
OT Locust became the CCE for Galeres
Summing Up The Competitions
House Galeres Combat Ladder
The Ladder is underway. Most of the matches for the first round have been played. If you have not played yours, be sure to do so quickly. If Im not around to judge, please try to record a demo so I can watch the match later and judge it then. Otherwise go out and have fun! Please follow the rules I set forth in my many emails. The schedule for round 2 will be released within a few days.
House Galeres Mottos
Please submit to me your suggestions for a House Motto and a Soulfire Brigade Motto. After Ive received a few, we will vote on them. The winning entires will receive a DC. Simple competition that any of you should be able to participate in! I have received no submissions as of yet. This is bad. I will make my own submissions and award myself DCs if you guys dont so come on. This is like a free giveaway here of a DC.
Clan Arcona Trivia Competition
Dark Brotherhood Scavenger Hunt
In addition to these competitions, you are encouraged to participate in all the other DB wide competitions like the ICTE and Halcs new competition on Tuesdays.
Good Stuff
Wow we also have a lot of Good Stuff this week.
Here goes
Destavol was awarded a CF
Dagger was awarded 5 CFs!
Gambit was awarded a CF
Beowulf was awarded 5 CFs!
Ibram Gaunt was awarded 2 CFs!
Locust was awarded 6 CFs!
Dagger was awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star
I was awarded a Crescent with a Sapphire Star
I was also awarded a Crescent with an Amethyst Star
Beowulf was awarded a Dark Cross
Locust was awarded a Dark Cross
Ibram Gaunt was awarded a Dark Cross
Lastly, I was awarded a GRAND CROSS OF THE DARK SIDE
Thanks Mejas
On the SA side,
Ibram Gaunt and Tale Dennon both passed the Obelisk Core
Apprentice Dennon was promoted to Novice. Good work Apprentice!
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PrelateDrakal [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
PrelateSyn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
TemplarDestavol [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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Dark Jedi KnightLillie [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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ProtectorXiphias Amplus [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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AcolyteDrake [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
AcolyteSir Ibram [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
NoviceTale [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Bah I cant paste spreadsheets. Whatever if you need the roster, get it off the main site :P
Obelisk Prelate Syn Kaek
Quaestor of House Galeres
Magistrate to the Obelisk High Commander
All Around Pimp
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