Lugh sat in front of his computer as the soft hum gave his quarters a comfortable feeling. Two beeps announced he was logged in to the Byss computer network as Lugh began to type.
<font color="#FF0000">Log In:</font> <font color="#9999FF">JH Lugh Luanna</font>
<font color="#66FF99">The screen flashed once as the database for the Eyes of the Throne Phyle displayed.</font>
<font color="#FF0000">Submit Report:</font> <font color="#9999FF">Yes</font>
<font color="#FF0000">TET Report:</font> <font color="#9999FF">#5</font>
<font color="#0099FF">**Phyle News_**</font>_
Not a whole lot to report this week. I am still on LOA this week, but that will be taken care of soon.
On to business. Quaestor Bant Komad is on LOA this week due to needing some emergency surgery. Lets wish him a speedy recovery. Consul Khan is back from leave, and Exar Khaland has done a great job watching over the clan in his absence. Welcome back Master Khan.
We have new members in the House, and I would like to welcome Apprentice K'hael Mordor to the Eyes of the Throne. If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to contact me for anything. I recruited this member myself, and I have high expectations of him as I know him personally.
Exars Shadow has a newTetrarch, so congrats to Acolyte Seiryte Kaienn. I will be contacting him soon to work out the details for the inter-phyle ACC combat ladder. On that very same subject, any Phyle member not yet an ACO, you need to do the required Shadow Academy courses so you can gain the rank sufficient to join the ACC. Also, a character history on your dossier MUST be done. If any help is needed, please just ask, I will be more than happy to giude you through.
I am in the process of massivley restructuring the Byss web site, and with it, the creation of the Eyes web site. I am also creating signature images for everyone in the house and clan. You may see the ones I have finished already on the Byss web site. Some visible changes have already been made, but I won't be able to do much more until I am back from LOA.
I only recieved one (1) submission for the three conps I set up last round. I have three more running now, and I already have one submission. I want to see some activity. I will soon do an AWOL check, and anyone not responding with the exception of those on leave I will be suggesting to be flushed to Rogue. As of this posting, I am adopting a new policy for competitions. I will be awarding Quartz Crescents to everyone who just participates in them. So that means you will recieve one just for submitting to competitions that I run. I need not remind you that it is important your activity levels stay consistent and frequent, so lets show some. I have been without a computer for nearly 3 weeks now, and I still manage to enter comps AND maintain the house web site AND submit my reports. While I realize that everyone can not have the same activity levels, I feel that if I can be active despite my limitations, so can you.
Make sure to CC me with any of your communications so that I know whats going on with you....if I don't know what you are doing, then I can't credit you with the proper activity level.
<font color="#0099FF">**Tyro News_**</font>_
<font color="#CC33FF">Jedi Hunter Lugh Luanna <font color="#FFCC00">-</font> <font color="#FFCC00">Recieved a promotion to Jedi Hunter. He has submitted to the KMT's, the KHP's mini comp, is working on the Epic Comp, and has submitted over eight (8) pieces of work to the November 1st issue of the Dark Voice. He is still on special LOA until next week.</font></font>
<font color="#CC33FF">Acolyte Marris Kren</font> - has been inactive this week.
<font color="#CC33FF">Apprentice Kenji Scard</font> - has submitted to the "Words of Wisdom" comp.
<font color="#CC33FF">Acolyte Mako</font> - is on LOA.
<font color="#CC33FF">Protector Sinjin</font> - has been inactive this week (is he still alive?)
<font color="#CC33FF">Apprentice K'hael Mordor</font> - is our newest Phyle member, and has already joined the ACC and submitted to the "Words of Wisdom" comp. He will be on LOA this week as he is moving into a new home due to fire damage.
<font color="#0099FF">Running Competitions</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Words of Wisdom</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Comedy Night at the Byss-ollo</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Freestyle</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Krath Monthly Topics</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Postcard Selection</font>
<font color="#0099FF">Thoughts to Ponder</font>
Do Shadow Academy courses. I would like to see everyone in this Phyle with at least the Krath courses completed, but do as many as you feel comfortable doing, the experience will only help you in the long run. ACO and below, do the required courses for your promotions... When I was a NOV, I had every single SA course available at that time DONE. You are in a unique position these days in the Brotherhood to get promotions for SA courses. We didn't have it like that "back in the day".
Phyle competitions. I will always have some running, so you will have plenty to do. I suggest you participate as the activity helps the house, the clan, and the DB in general.
Stay active. There are a great many activities to take part in, such as the KMTs, various DB wide and Clan/House competitions, and by all means, join the ACC and do some battles. I suggest you read a few battles to see how they work in case you are unfamiliar with the setup. There is a Killer run-on happening right now on the House Byss MB, so go join the fun! Also there are many other various run-ons happening all over the MB, so dont be shy, go find one ya like and dive on in. Submissions are also being accepted for the November 1st issue of the Dark Voice, so lets see some emails going out. You can submit stories, articles, poems, and artwork. Remember to CC me with any submissions you send in to any comp.
If at any point any of you need help with anything, have any questions, or just want to shoot the proverbial sh*t, I am available to you. You can email me or find me in #db in IRC. You also have a very awesome and wise QUA, so take the opportunity to pick his brain often. Nag him, pelt him with emails, he loves that stuff.
Update Report: Yes
Log out: Yes
<image src="">
</image>JH Lugh Luanna (Krath)/TET/Byss of Exar Kun [ACC: SQ]
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