Galeres Quaestor Report for October 17th, 2003
Ahh yes,
This report is on time! Woooo! And so on we go. Not much major happened this week. Things have been cooling down, thankfully. Only a few major developments. A few things I wanted to make note of.
First, submit to the Dark Voice. It contributes greatly to our standing in the DB and it supports a fine institution. The DV will be great. I know some of you have abilities in writing, so please do.
As for your JO ladder matches only two matches were played. Completely unacceptable. If you have a match scheduled, go and play it. If you do not know your match assignment, contact me and I will give it to you. I released the match assignments a week ago. Technically, round 2 should be over but I decided to extend it so we dont have a bunch of forfeits.
That is all. Here is the report:
Brotherhood News
Heres the usual rough summary
Flech is the new Chancellor
Tron Sadow is new Emissary
Trev is new Oracle
Kirleta AED open to application . I hope none of you are thinking of applying :P
UPDATE YOUR mIRC TO THE LATEST VERSION. A fatal exploit in some versions can give someone the ability to crash you at any moment
Mav is having Internet Connection Difficulties but CFs will still be awarded
The Thursday Night Bash and the Tuesday Night Showdown are running. Show up and participate!
Once again we dominated the ICTE. This week, Locust was the number one player. Good work Locust!
As usual there is more. If you really want to know, go to the main web page and read the news.
Clan News
Mejas was awarded a special throne for his leadership in making the Arcona vs. CSK feud occur. This is a unique Vendetta award which will be better explained to us soon.
Dagger was awarded a Ruby Sceptre for tremendous dedication to creating new SP and MP levels for JO for the DB to use. Congrats Dagger!
The Clan JO Ladder Round 2 has been extended one week so people will play their matches
House News
First, OT Destavol transferred out again. Good luck in your future endeavors, Dest.
APP Tarax Dante Kor joined us from CSP. He shows signs of being an extremely valuable addition. Welcome!
Dagger got an RS but I already talked about that hehe
Summing Up The Competitions
House Galeres Combat Ladder
The Ladder is underway. Play your matches! If Im not around to judge, please try to record a demo so I can watch the match later and judge it then. Otherwise go out and have fun! Please follow the rules I set forth in my many emails. The schedule for round 2 has been released and round 2 has been extended. PLAY
House Galeres Mottos
Please submit to me your suggestions for a House Motto and a Soulfire Brigade Motto. After Ive received a few, we will vote on them. The winning entries will receive a DC. Simple competition that any of you should be able to participate in! I have received two submissions.
CTF League
Postcard Selection Competition
Tisss Black Crystal Competition
Those of us with writing ability should participate in this comp!
In addition to these competitions, you are encouraged to participate in all the other DB wide competitions like the ICTE, Tuesday Night Showdown and Thursday Night Bash
Good Stuff
Not as much Good Stuff as usual but there is still some nonetheless!
Gambit was awarded 5 CFs
Locust was awarded 16 CFs!!!!! Good job Locust!
Beowulf was awarded a CF
Xiphias was awarded a CF
Ibram Gaunt was awarded 5 CFs
Locust was awarded a DC for sheer ownage of the ICTE
Xiphias was awarded a DC for past IWATS courses
I was awarded a DC for past IWATS courses
I was awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star for third place in the Arcona Trivia Competition
Locust was awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star for second place in the Arcona Trivia Competition
For the SA this week,
APP Tarax Kor passed the ICQ Basics test Good work Apprentice!
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PrelateDrakal [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
PrelateSyn [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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Dark Jedi KnightLillie [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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ProtectorXiphias Amplus [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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AcolyteDrake [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
AcolyteSir Ibram [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
NoviceTale [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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ApprenticeTarax Dante [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Ohh! The roster is different again!!! w00t
Obelisk Prelate Syn Kaek
Quaestor of House Galeres
Magistrate to the Obelisk High Commander
All Around Pimp
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