Report Update


Report Update

I have been rather sick this past week, so I forgot to include a lot of stuff in my report.

1 - *Custom Lightsaber Guide * UPDATED. A new rule regarding dual single-bladed lightsabers. Some rules refined and clarified.

2 - New lightsaber gallery. The "Unclaimed" gallery holds handles that are up for grabs. Some designed by me, others requested designs that I honestly forgot who requested them. When I forget who requested something, more than likely it was a request made on IRC with no e-mail follow up.

3 - Details, such as close-up images and some information about custom sabers I construct, will be available much, much later. Until then I have removed all the links to the info section.
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td></td><td>Dark Jedi Master Kaine Archon Mandaala
Herald of the Dark Brotherhood

"Fear will keep order"</td></tr></table>

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