Welcome guys to another of my short and boring reports.
I'd like to start with the good news but I have with the bad ones. I haven't recived any report from Ziost or Korriban this week and this is no good. Guys, your reports must be in my inbox by Saturday so if you think you can't make it for anyreason tell me in advance ok?
Now down to business. Our Obelisk are growing in numbers and thought we are not that many, we have a fair number for an house so I EXPECT to see some competitions start running there pretty soon (AKA before my next report) or you'll see a "not really pleased" CON. Talking of obelisk, I'm in need of an Encoy to help the apprentices to graduate from the SA and guide them into our clan. This is a really important duties as from how the envoy performs depends the future of our clan. If you think you can do it send your application to me. The only requirement is that you have graduated yourself from the SA and been in House Korriban.
As you all know we are currently engaged in a CTF (Capture the Flag and not Caunt the Frog as some as asked =P). Because of our number we are allied with 2 other clan, namely Naga Sadow and Scholae Palatinae. For now we have 4 wins Next week we'll be playing Vs Team 6 (The Dark Council and the Rogues) and I hope to see some of you out there. I hope to e able to be there myself if that stupid game stop messing with my vid card and crash at startup grrr...
The Run On House Byss has been engaged in for the last weeks is about to an end, and I'll be contacting the QUAs to see if we can came up with some good idea for a Clan wide run on. Byss's guys are really close eachother and I'd like to see that attitude in all the houses and, most importantly, in the whole Clan. We are ALL clanmates, we are brothers and we should all work as a team guys, from the lowest Apprentice to the highest Pontifex. I hope this run on will help us know eachother outside the boudaries of each House.
Some times ago I started a writted competition for the whole clan, something everyone was able to partecipate in but I have recived NO submission and that's nooo good. Now the competition is close and no winner has been elected and that's a REAL shame. Oh well. I'm currently working on something else to see if that works BUT if happens again to recive ZERO submissions you can bet something terrible will happens, and I'm not kidding here!
Oh yeah, before I foget... FF will be hosting Q&A sessions around 3 pm EST each saturday so if you want to bother or just question the GM about some stuff I can't answer on, that's your shot.
Now I think that's all from me this week and I can let you guys have some fun doing something else then read my reports heh
Catch ya next week.
SWL Khan (Sith)/CON/Clan Exar Kun[KSOE: KC2]
" The Power tires only those who do not have it. " Giulio Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister.
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