Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Again, I am sorry for the lateness of this report.

Things done:

  1. Made little headway on the website. has a new goofy layout for site building and it's going to take me longer to figure out how to do good old html or go with the goofy controls.

  2. Got a new competition waiting for approval but I'll announce it in here at the end.

  3. Got out medals for the last one, congrats to all participants!!

Things to do:

  1. Email Jac again asking for a small space on the message boards for us.

  2. Work more on website and perhaps find a different one to work with.

  3. Savor the entries for this weeks competition.

And now for your viewing pleasure; the newest competition!!

Title: The Closet

Specifics: What in the world is making all that noise in the closet? Give a little description of what is in there and why is it there. No more than a page please. Submit in .doc or .txt

Starts: Today!!

Ends: 10/26/03

Medals: Emerald star to first

          Topaz star to second  

          Quartz star to third  

Shouldn't be very hard to do. I promise to cook up a nice big one at some point in time with poems, graphics, stories, beatings, ect. Speaking of beatings, I'm working on getting my butt kicked by our PCON on the ACC. I recommend everyone sign up for that and start having fun! :D Plus I could get a small ladder going if we all were part of the ACC.

OK, I'm done blabbing on. Have a great week!

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