Alannas flowing hand told the Consuls that this was one piece of paper that wouldnt find a home in their nearest rubbish bin. Addressed as the KHPs weekly report, the copy was passed down to their Krath Quaestors, who in turn disseminated the relevant parts to their houses.
Krath High Priestess's Montly Report
This is the start in a series of short competitions designed to explore members' characters, and to help develop the role-playing aspects of the DB. Thanks to Cyris for the idea. All orders may participate.
Part 1
Write an account of an event in your character's life that greatly influenced his/her attitudes towards emotion.
Does your character find it a help or a hindrance? Why?
26th Oct 8th Nov
Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
'Neverending combat'
Write a poem telling about the light between Light and Dark jedi and about the light and dark sides of the Force. ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
'And now for something a little less pleasant...'
You must write a scene for a movie script. , I only want one scene. But in that scene I want something powerful. The scene must revolve around one of the following: Death, Torture, Destruction, Pestilence, Famine.. yea, dark stuff. ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Take the persona of some ancient powerful Dark Jedi. It must be some non-descript person, so no official characters, but some ancient Jedi that didn't make it to quite such heights of power. Tell his, or her, story.
We're expecting entries to be in the 10+ pages range.
Closing date extended to 21st November
Submit to Ciara, Trevarus and Alanna
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