Hey all! I hope you all have had great weeks and are enjoying your weekend. Just a small notice that I'll repeat in next weeks report; I will be on leave from the 7th on. I do not know how soon I'll be able to be back online as I'm moving :D Takes time to get the phone set up and what not.
Things done:
Figured out the html weaver and got most of the website up. I'll give you all the URL once I finish one page and put final touches on the others.
Almost done with this weeks competition, send stuff in!!
Things to do:
Make another competition.
Get in touch with Jac about the message board.
Award medals for the closing competition.
Get Jason to put another member into our phyle :)
Well that's about it. Do not forget the competitions going on here and around the DB. Participation pays off even if you do not win. Have fun!!
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