Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

As I reported last week, I will probably not be writing a report next week since I'm moving and I do not know for sure if I'll have the phone hooked up. I'm just hoping to have the electricity running when I go to move in. Ok I'll get on with the report.

Things done:

  1. Emailed Jac and am hoping to get something out of him reguarding the message board.

  2. Put in for medals to be awarded for the past competition.

Things to do:

  1. Make table for easier competition reading on the website.

  2. Update website for new competitions.

There will be no competition this week. The winners of the last one are Dranik, Anshar, and Storm. Medals will be out soon for those three. I encourage everyone else to participate in the coming competitions I will make. They are good for getting medals and good for activity. Don't take too long to do either.

Well I guess I'll be seeing you guys around. Have a great week!

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