Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


A lot of events this week, a lot of new victories and tragedies. I don't feel RPGing now, so my report won't be as cool as the last one. Sorry.

DB News

If you want to be the Praetor of the Combat Master for Cyris, he's taking applications. Go read the requirements if you want to apply for it.

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp for more.

Clan News

A lot of stuff. We lost a lot of members.

House News

The AWOL check is over. The results will be shown this week. Thanks to all who answered.

ACO Gaunt had 6 CFs last week at the ICTE!

SWM Lusankya had 3 CFs!

I got one ;)

SWM Lusankya got a score of 100 in the Test of Lore. Congrats!

He had also 96% in the MSN messanger test!

Lus passed the Obelisk Test of Skill!

ACO Gaunt obtained 79% in MSN messanger test! Woo0t!

He also had 97% in the Sith Flight Studies 2!!

Congratulations ACO Gaunt! You are promoted to PRT!

PRT Gaunt and I have been invited to join the GMRG. We have accepted!

The New CMDR of Pandragon

Now that SW Lenzar Entar has quit to another Clan, we needed another CMDR. I got only one application...therefore, SWM Lusankya is the new CMDR of Pandragon!

Congratulations to him!

Keep in mind people, that once we get 13 people, a new squadron will open.

Congratulations to everyone, see you next week.

Oh yeah, it's my birthday today! Enjoy!

QUA/SWM Rakhai

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