well my angel's its report time again so sit down and listen to what i have to say because this report is going to be an inportant one. It has been a busy week 4 members of the team recieved promotions and we got a new quastor. I have talked to Ric and we have some of the same goals for this house and clan. One of the main goals we share is a yearning to make HPG the best house in the DB and to return this Clan to its former glory. To do this we need the help of every member of the house. So i ask you all once again to help me help yourself. We need a battle team motto first so please come up with some ideas and they will be put to a vote whom ever's motto is chosen gets a DC. I am also trying to get a training night started so please everyone send me when is good for you so i can try to find the best time for as many people as possable, now keep in mind your time and date may not be chosen im going to try to find some consenses of when is good for everyone. If anyone has any ideas to make the house and the Clan better please drop an email to me and to Ric so we can work with you on getting it up and running.
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