Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Loreseekers Phyle Tetrarch Report #6:

Greetings Loreseekers, as you know this will be my final report
as your Tet since we are being closed since our
new QUA says there are not enough members on our
team. Don’t ask me why they don’t just transfer over more
members, I don’t know. But let y’all know since I
more than likely will not be a Tet nor Rollmaster, then I
plan on quitting the Brotherhood and getting on with my
real life and getting myself ready for my marriage in the

House News:

Azazel is our new quaestor and Boggy is our new aedile,
congrats to them I guess. This leaves an opening for
rollmaster, so go ahead and apply since I won’t be getting
again even though I have served loyally since last December.

Phyle News:

As I stated above, we’re being closed due to low membership,
which is a bunch of bull and not fair to us. Our competition
is over and I will be submitting award requests this week,
so those who deserve them will get them.


Krath Tetrarch Kris Omega JedI Hunter

Krath Tyro Kronos Omega Guardian

Krath Tyro Oscar Protector

So sorry this is short, but what do you expect I’ve nothing else
to speak of since nothing has happened that can be
spoken of. Being this is my final report, I want to say it is
has been great working with y’all and may Darkness Guide You. Kris Omega signing off.

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