The day when we will rule will soon come...
Hello, this is Tetrarch Dark Sabre and I'd like to welcome three new members to our now smaller phyle and one to our House in general. evil grin
The newest members to Ektrosis and Phyle Shadow Warriors, are Apprentices Saruan, Dark Floyd and NexusMage, who has just been promoted to Novice. I'm sure all of you will continue your careers as Dark Jedi and become prosperous, perhaps even surpass me and xuthen long name. :-) I'd also like to greet another new member, Jedi Hunter Mal'ari'carun, new to this House and in his own Command Position.
Now that the Ektrosis has been broken into 2 phyles, I believe that we are considered the "less-experienced" group, although Xuthen has served the Brotherhood for quite a long time. Apprentices, I implore you to complete your Test of Skill quickly, for then you can be auto-promoted by the HM. The whole phyle should also subscribe to the ACC and complete a Character Sheet. Then fight your intiation battle. I have found that Dark Side Adept Alanna provides fast posts and excellent battles.
ACC Character Sheet Creation is also in preparation for our feud with Tarentum, in which our Krath will be hard-pressed to defeat the sizable House Gladius.
Amras is on leave, Kir is as well. Our PCON freshjive is in charge of the clan until our beloved Consul returns.
In other news, I'm wiped from swimming and life in general. That pretty much covers my week... But I am in competition for medals in the Resurrected Run-on, I'm third at the moment...
Angrams: Check the News Page for the actual anagrams... They're in there somewhere.
Run-on Resurrection:
Character Development:
November KMTs: &
Base Design Comp: &
Ektrosis/Shadow Warriors:
Familiarity Competition (I expect most of you to participate, just announce your partner on the web group!):
Training Regimen (participate, it's open to ALL of Ektrosis, not that the others aren't ): &
Dark Sabre to Jedi Hunter
NexusMage to Novice
Keiran to Tetrarch of Phoenix Phyle (two phyles!)
Mal'ari'carun to Aedile (we have an Aedile now, aren't we special?)
Dark Sabre to Squire
I want all of you to forward your ACC promotions to me so that I can include them in my report. I expect this section to be empty most of the time, however. Even if all you are doing is creating your character sheet for the first time, upon its approval, forward the e-mail to me.
xuthen - Cluster of Fire
Shups - Cluster of Fire (2)
xuthen - Crescent (Emerald)
3rd in the Tally ACC Ladder
Dark Sabre passed the Obelisk CORE **at the **Shadow Academy!
Quote to Reflect On:
"So, the member count is XXX as opposed to XXX last week, I see...
I'm even more in awe over the AED-TYR :o) Maybe someone in QD shoud de-TYR the AED, hehe.
And I think, while it's a running gag, the whole "can request transfer" thingy is so outdated now that it begins to be embarrassing."
-Arania Lawakiro
Jedi Hunter Dark Sabre, Tetrarch of Shadow Warriors Phyle
**JH Dark Sabre (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan [ACC: SQ]
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