House Qel-Droma Report #2
Epis Azazel Djo'Tarr
From the Office of the Qua in the new Qel-Droma Temple......
Azazel walked slowly around his new office, admiring the fine arcitecture and furniture. It was bare, for now atleast, but had potential, spacious, with a nice sleeping area. He nodded his approval. From his door came the chime to signal someone wanted to talk with him. "Enter!", Az turned to see who it was. JH Kris Omega, RM of House Qel-Droma slipped inside the door, she stopped just inside and bowed low. Az gave a nod to return her a bow of respect. "My Qua, i must formaly appologise for my words...I..", Az cut her short, "JH Kris, there is no need to appologise, i fully understand your reaction, and i expected it. All's well that ends well eh?", Az afforded a brief smile. "Indeed", said Kris as she walked over to where Az was now standing. "I have the layout of the Temple that you requested from Priest Vassan. He'll be back shortly, he is asissting in the transport of more cargo for the House". Az took the plans and layed them on his desk, scanning over them quickly. "Ah exellent....we'll have to make sure that everyone studies these before they go wandering off. Make sure the TET's announce this Kris", Az walked Kris to the door. On leaving the Qua's office Kris turned and bowed again. "I will make sure your message is passed on my Master", Az nodded again as he watched his Vampiric apprentice glide down the corridoor to the security door.
"Careful with those containers you fool! Not there....i SAID there!!", Priest Vassan had been struggling to keep the Lore tomes for the QD Temple safe throughout thier transfer. But, it would seem that the loaders being droids, were less then careful with thier masters accuisitions. "Having fun are we Priest Vassan?", Vassan turned to see DJK Strategos standing nearby some cargo containers chuckling away to himself. "It's no laughing matter Strat.....if one of these books are damaged, our Qua will skin me alive! Instead of laughing, why don't you assist me Brother?", Vass was a bit rattled, he was up to his eyeballs in cargo movement legures, and Strat's laughing at him was not helping his dilemma either. "Ok, what do you want me to do?", Strat smiled as Vass instructed him to take control of the 'off loading of the cargo'. Strat nodded and was soon on the case, keeping the tide of valuable cargo steady and the droids under control. Vassan sighed with relief...that was alot of stress off of his shoulders. Turning to put down some legures he noticed that Epis Azazel Djo'Tarr was now standing at the top of the QD Temple steps, watching the off loading of the House's Lore Tomes. Quickly turning back, he began to organise the cargo crates in order with the most valuable being taken into the temple first. All was going this pace, the Lore Tomes of House Qel-Droma would be safe and sound in thier new home.....
Greetings my Krath......
For those fortunate souls in Dark Orb Phyle, you have seen the layout and description of the House QD Temple. Priest Vassan has really put his heart into this project, and it shows!! Really good stuff too. I am very, no wait a sec, extremely proud to be the first Qua to rule over this magnificent temple built by one of our own. Though i do believe that Vassan will be making updates to the temple over the coming weeks. I hope you all read it and study the floor plans well. Anybody else who wants to view these plans, i.e. Prophecy Phyle, you can either request these from Priest Vassan himself, or ask me if he is not about. I have them saved on my hard drive :) you saw from my update last night, it has been a very busy week for me. Work in real life has left me tired and mentaly. I have not managed to do anymore work on the base for Galares. But i will be working on it tomorrow (i don't have to do overtime, yay!). This should mean that i will complete my work either tomorrow, or Sunday.
I would say a 'few' medals this week, but, as it seems, load'sa medals this week, and even some promo's!! I am very pleased to see this, and also pleased to see more peeps enter the House too. It's always good to see some new faces. Numbers are something that we must try and maintain. Keeping everyone happy is sometimes a bit more
tactical and difficult. Hence why i have stated that i do not want any secrets hidden from me. If you wish to discuss something with me in private, then by all means, please get in touch either by mail, or on mIRC. My name on mIRC is: ^^-Az-^^, trust me when i say that you cannot miss me. I am also opped so i'll be near the top of the member list.
On the whole, very very pleased with the membership at the moment. You are all getting settled down and have started to get to work. I could'nt be more proud of you guys right now :) Tyro's, you got some great TET's leading you at the moment, so you have no excuse not to talk to them and ask for help. Both are willing to help out, even the RM has offerd to help! Good form one and all :)
May Darkness be your guide.....
House News
For all the latest news from the DB, please visit:
House QD Temple completed! - As i stated earlier, Priest Vassan, TET of Dark Orb, submitted in the week his work on the QD Temple. I have studied the floor plans and read his description of the temple. I can just say it's astounding work, really well thought out. I hope everyone who has not seen it yet, will get hold of him and request this work for thier own viewing pleasure. It is good stuff indeed! Now..where did i put my datapad with my recs on...hmmm?
NEW RM!! - Earlier in the week i placed a new RM into active duty to replace Bograt. As you all know, but again congrats, DJH Kris Omega is now the House QD Rollmaster! Again ;D
In the works..- A little suprise is coming to you guys before Christmas. INFACT...over the next few weeks i am looking into the house activity done before and during my time as Qua. The reason is, i want to award those who have kept the spirit of this House high by thier work and insight. This means that i will be dishing out some medals, and some promotions!! Yay, i hear you all cheer. Well..if you've been a busy little bee, you'll be in for a pat on the back from yer old Qua. If you have'nt.....well, you'll be getting a swift boot up the backside and a sound thrashing! I got my thwipping sticks layed out and ready to thwip. Keep an eye on your boxes people.....wait a tick...did that sound right to you?
Activity Levels: Phyles - I have given the task of monitoring all activities and the chances of promotions and medals over to those who know best. The TET's will now be keeping a close eye on who does what and when. This means that nobody who has worked hard and submitted some good material will go unrewarded. Something i have seen in the past, and it has not just happend to me either! As i stated, this will not be an issue in this House whilst i sit in command. You'll all be rewarded for work renderd. So work hard and prosper my Krath!
mIRC behaviour - Before i came to Arcona, i was aware of a curse that affects all of its members. And this is known throughout the DB too. I noticed the use of swear words was common practice. Now, i'm no angel, but i am also no fan of seeing someone swear when there is no need to do so. SO...this is a habbit i want to stop with QD. When i am around, do not swear in ANY, and i mean, ANY, DB channel. Private messages are your own affair, but please not in any DB channel, and especialy not when i am around. If i catch you doing it, expect a clip round the ear and a kick in the yarbles. It looks awful and is a poor reflection on yourself and also not a good idea infront of some of the younger members of the DB and this House. So refrain from swearing at all costs. If you can't, then please say nothing at all. Just thought i'd make my point on this subject public.
House Activity
NOV Raven - ACO
DJH Kris Omega - LS TET to RM
GRD Kronos Omega - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
DJH Alex Draconis Entar - Crescent with Topaz Star (T) + Dark Cross (DC)
DJH Kris Omega - Steel Cross (SC)
KP Vassan Rokir - Crescent with Ruby Star (R) + Legion of the Scholar (LS)
DJK Strategos Thanatos Entar - Star of Antei (StA) + Crescent with Topaz Star (T)
Shadow Academy Courses
ACO Raven - ICQ, Dark Jedi Meditation, MSN, Test of Skill, Krath Core, Leadership Studies (just a few then? Well done!)
NOV Minoru - Test of Skill
APP Moushigo - MSN
DJH Kris Omega - MSN
Minoru, Moushigo, KE Xizor (welcome back)
Welcome to House QD all of you!!
ACO Enilias - QD to Rogues :(
Sorry to see you go dude :/
House Reports
AED - Nothing yet??
RM - Report out
DO TET - Report out
PR TET - Report out days ago
Good job guys.....bad Aed!! >:/
The Final Rant!
Blah blah...rant rant rant! There yer go ;) Nah, just kidding. Not much i can say that i have not already said. I do appologise for the lack of a comp section this week. I have swung by our homepage and the clan homepage and noticed that both are in dire need of an update (hears the gasps)! So when it's updated, i'll add it into my report.
On da flip side - A good ending to this week for the house. Some more goodies coming, but until then, keep working on the comps open to you (your TET's will most likely have more of a clue than me at this point in time), and keep active! All this is leading up for the big one........the GJW!! I'm gonna be plugging this comp until it kicks off. This way nobody can say "i did'nt know about it!!".
Well...i gotta rush off....well, crawl off, and get some rest now as i am shatterd from a hard days work. So until next time...take care of yourselves, and eachother!
In Dark Loyal Servitude
KE Azazel Djo'Tarr (Krath)/M:OHC-QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC:INI]
"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"
Magistrate to the Obelisk High Commander
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