TET Report of Seiryte Kaienn
Seiryte Kaienn, Tetrarch of Exars Shadow, whom currently holds his new rank of Protector, glided through the halls. He nodded to some of his Tyros as he walked by, and pulled out a data pad. He turned it on.
Date: 13th astronomical day after the 1st astronomical day of November, 3rd year after the most recent Millennia.
Activity Cipher-Very active on the MB, SA, and big promotion to PRT.
Mako-active on MB, SA also got promoted to PRT.
Lugh-active on MB.
Valon-active on MB.
Seiryte-active on MB, and SA. PRT promotion.
Kenji Scard & Relhok Nek-promoted to NOV for sending in History.
Competitions Only (Still!) two Tyros have participated in the Motto comp Itll be easier to judge since there arent that many submissions. It ends the 30th, so send something in! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=166
Awards There have been no awards distributed this week.
Shadow Academy Cipher, Mako, and I have been working hard in the SA. Heard of an ACC course floating around
Other News There is the run-on With Wisdom Comes Power on the MB. Several people have participated. More could though
AWOL Check-I sent out the check, and got 5 responses. Where are you people!?!
From the Shadows I bid you farewell,
Protector Seiryte Kaienn, Tetrarch of Exars Shadow
Seiryte turned the data pad off, and walked away
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