Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Vashino Report

Hey everyone, sorry that this report is a little late. Well, considering that Brat had this encompassing report and received recognition for it, most of my information will probably be repeated from before.

Vashino News:

Nothing new to report. We have our basic feeling of an empty room. Life has succumbed to the darkening abyss of RL. Everyone, i want to see some action, whether written or physical. Get going with the Outerrim, GMRG Tuesday nights, and the Thurday comps held in #outerrim, #gmrg, and #obelisk repsectively. For those of you who cannot at all contribute to

active participation in game playing, i want to see some activity in written competitions.

To play in JO and JA, the clan has a few servers for you to join.






obviously IP games :P

As the passwords shall only be for DB members and limited outside members, I will not list them in this report. To obtain passwords, ask members of the clan hosting the server, or of other knowledgeable people in the DB

Use these servers for fun or for playing mini tournament duels in such as Outerrim and GMRG Tuesday NIght SHowdown etc.

I believe Clan Naga Shadow had a JO server, but it seems like it is down from my own JO list. That may not be the case, but it's hidden from the server list in JO.

Our own server has been down for quite some time. Hopefully this is being remedied with Bratstone's new server that is apparently coming soon. Brat, I hope it is sooner than later ;)

DB News:

Good ol Dalthid has a multitude of competitions for you guys to participate in. This seems mostly non-fighting as they include appending captions to screenshots, ACC work, Run-ons, stories, and appending a story to a screenshot. For those of you who cannot fight in competitions such as the outerrim competition, these sets of comps will certainly fit your bill. The competitions are as follows:

1) The CON's Run-On:

A piece by piece type deal with teams and such...if you don't know about it you either: a) removed yourself from the Clan group, b) have it set to delete messages from our fine Consul or c) are too lazy to care.

2) CSK Blood Bath (ACC):

The right to beat your friends into a bloody pulp is something that no Clan should be without. Be it death, submission or the cowardly act of running away...challenge and defeat (or lose in the most elaborate way possible) a member from the Brotherhood.

Start Date: 11/14/2003

End Date: 1/15/2004 <<Look at the END date

3) Is It Luck?

Have you ever barely escaped a battle? Have you ever been on the brink of death, yet for some reason, lived to tell the tale?

Tell me about it, in any writing format (story/poem/song/scene) MAX - 2 pages (at a reasonably sized font :P) txt or .doc format, please.

Start Date: 11/13/2003

End Date: 12/15/2003

4)One Team, One Fight

Team up with a member (s) of another House. One person supplies a series of screenshots from ANY game platform, while the other adds a story to go along with the pictures.

There is no particular subject line, no particular length and no limit to how many members can be on a 'team'.

The catch?: Screenshots MUST be supplied by someone other than who is writing, there must be MORE THAN one person on a team (your own clone doesn't count :P)

Start Date: 11/13/2003

End Date: 12/15/2003

5) CSK Caption Competition

A bank of 11 pictures are located here:


Add a caption to each of the pictures, there are general directions on the page.

Start Date: 11/13/2003

End Date: 12/13/2003

The awards for these competitions include crescents and or cluster of fires. Some of these competitions don't end until approximately 2 months from now, so guys, i want you up off your butts and doing something.

Xhedias, these competitions will do well to help you rise amongst the ranks in the Dark Brotherhood. Your next stop is PRT :) I hope to see you participate and succeed. The rest of you.....get moving :P Even if it is one match at the Outerrim competitions, It'll make my heart happy (excuse the cliche).

I would like you all to take a look at PRT Draynor. He joined a few weeks ago and i daresay has more activity than the rest of you put together for the past few months :P I recruited him a lil while back. Take his lead and begin to do stuff people.

Our Roster includes:


TRP Kairus GRD

TRP Waza Sunrider Exarch

TRP Morrigan L'Fey JH

TRP Xhedias Forkall NOV

Check to see more information about the battlegroup. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=54

Check here to see information about Kirleta itself.


O and a message to Brat. Be quiet before i spit you with my lightsaber. :P I will do the leadership test as soon as the following scenario doesn't occur : "Finish all questions but one and hear a parent's nagging voice saying 'Ian i need you to come with me to do something'" Therefore, the test remains unfinished and i have to do the whole thing over again.

DJK Bane (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto [GMRG: GDM]



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