House Marka Ragnos
Aedile report
Greetings everyone.
First off, I'd like to thank Janos for his trust in me, and my appointment as his Aedile.
And now I'd like to welcome you in my very first report as HMR Aedile. Probably most of you don't know me, so I'll introduce myself shortly.
Hmm.. where to start.. from name prolly :P Well, my name is kinda long and stuff, so call me just Tiss. =) I joined DJB a year and a half ago, starting my way by the dark side, as Sith, in a Clan known as Alvaak. Soon I became a Commander of Black Omega Team, then Aedile of House Ronin.
When I made my way up to the rank of Sith Warrior, I decided... well more likly was convinced by someone, that I am a Krath by my heart, and among Krath is my place. Who was that person you might ask now... well I don't know if you are long enough in DJB to remember him, but this person is no one else but ex-KHP -- Daavak "Tronsta" Cantor. A great friend of mine, and a menot, if I can call him that way.
Anyways... I became Krath, first a Tetrarch of Praetorius phyle, then Aedile of House Dominatus. To not bore you to death I'll skip what happened next and go to the "after split era". :P
I joined then House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona. It was quite long time spent there... 8 months, as Aedile and Quaestor of that Krath House.
Tiss slowly raises her head and looks at courious eyes of all gathered in her office.Takes a breath, and continues...
Now probably you want to ask me... why I resigned and stepped down as a Quaestor. Let me put it this way... Every situation brings good and the bad things, I always try to keep in my mind the good ones, and the bad close behind me n the past, but unfortunatelly, sometimes, it is impossible, and the the balance is overweighted. Then we usually must make a choice... if we want to stay at that point or move forward. The move usually is connected with big changes, maybe even going into unknown, but nevertheless... I'm not a coward, so I made my decision, and the step forward. And so I'm here.
Hmmm.... news?
Alright, it's the end of my short speech, you might wake up now, we're gonna move on to the buisness. :P
Well, it's easy to say, "write teh report", but what to write if your Quaestor already wrote everything :P You can ready the news in QUA's report, also in incoming CON's report, prolly in PCON's report as well, so again, I don't want you guys and gals to bore to death with the same news repeating over and over, so therefore, I thought I'll express my points of view at certain things in House, offer help in anything you need, solve anything that is misty and unclear, yada-yada whatever you want :P
Btw, do I talk too much ? =P
Okay... what was I saying... ah right! News. Well... stuff happens. You know where to look for details, I'll cover now things that needs special attention in my opinion.
We need new homepage! Gah, I want my office and a chair, not a cardbox to sit on :P Yeah and that thingy that Janos was writing about, bout HMR base!
Isn't t great!!!? We got a base!! So what yer waiting for, go describe it, other houses will be jealous about it, so guuuuuuys, grab yer pens and stuff :))))
There's hell lots of competitions, Janos listed `em all in his report so go and take a look, activity brings profits not only for Clan and House but also for everyone individually.
Ah yes!!! WELCOME new comers and GRATS to everyone who passed courses or were awarded with medals, WE ARE PROUD OF YOU :-D
Okay another thingy. Apart from all the competitions running by KHP office, I think it would be nice to get some inside HMR comp. I have idea, for short and easy competition. Limericks writing. If everyone agree, i'll explain shortly what's limerick and how to make one, and then you will have like one or two weeks to write your limerick and send it to Janos and me. Standard crescents as awards. Express your opinion about it by repling to this mail via egroup, please. In that way I'll know yer still alive and didn't die from boredom reading this report AND that you're still reading it at this point. YAAAAY for my report readers!!!! *hugs* :P
Alrighty.... this is everything as for my first report. If you have ANY questions, doubts, death threats, suggesions, ideas or just wanna talk with me, do it via email ( IRC or MSN (my addy on MSN is and nick Tiss The Moon Elf) or dunno how else, you might try telepathy, we aren't Dark Jedi without a reason, huh? =P
It was nice talking to you guys and gals, but I'm afraid it's all for this week from me. Remember that the doors to my office are always opened for you, no matter what time of a day or night, you have my permission to wake me up even :P Alright... guess that's it. Thanks for reading it. =)
KE Tissaya Luna Argat (Krath)/M:KHP-AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
Eclectic Pedagog of Dark Jedi Meditation, ICQ & MSN Studies
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