Dark Fire Sergeant Report
Everyone who got their CFs this week passed the 2 CF limit, obviously an attempt at mocking me. Good work.
However, those that didn't get their CFs...they must not have been in on the joke. I'll be speaking to some of you later.
The ICTE (Interclub Training Event) is every Saturday
at 4pm est in #outerrim. It is easy to get a match there, just type !signup (JK/JO/JA/flight sim)
Tuesday night GMRG Fight thing in #GMRG. Starts at 2:00 EST.
Thursday Night Bash, starts at 6:00 EST in #obelisk.
Astnagrath - 4 CFs
Wolf - 3 CFs
Shadow - 9 CFs
Duga - 4 CFs
Dragon - 22 CFs, 1 DC, and a Cr-A
Me - 7 CFs, Cr-S
Getting 2 CFs - Manditory, Getting +2CFs - Happy Sergeant.
DJK Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan
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