<font color="#FF6600">Vithril sat in front of his computer as the soft hum gave his quarters a comfortable feeling.</font><font color="#FF6600">Two beeps announced he was logged in to the Byss computer network as Vithril began to type.</font>
<font color="#FF0000">Log In:</font> <font color="#9999FF">Tetrarch DJK Vithril</font>
<font color="#FF6600">The screen flashed once as the database for the Eyes of the Throne Phyle displayed.</font>
<font color="#FF0000">Submit Report:</font> <font color="#9999FF">Yes</font>
<font color="#FF0000">TET Report:</font> <font color="#9999FF">#7</font>
<font color="#0099FF">**The House **</font>
<font color="#FF00FF">Quaestor KPN Jonaleth Isradia</font>. has been awarded a very high honor by being selected to take the clan name. He is now a Son of Kunar.
Exars Shadow Tetrarch
<font color="#FF00FF">Acolyte Seiryte Kaienn</font><font color="#999999"> has
been selected as my apprentice and is ready to begin his trials of Knighthood.</font>
<font color="#0099FF">**Phyle News_**</font>_
<font color="#999999">I am back. Under a new name, and I see some new faces, but Eyes of the Throne has been restored. I expect each and every one of you to be ready to work, as I have ALOT of competition ideas that will see fruition.</font>
We have new members in the Phyle at this time, and I would like to welcome you all. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Any Phyle member not yet an ACO, you need to do the required Shadow Academy courses so you can gain rank . Also, a character history on your dossier MUST be done. If any help is needed, please just ask, I will be more than happy to guide you through. I expect to see the lot of you duking it out in the ACC as well. I spend alot of time there, and combat writing will be a few of the competitions I will have you do, so if you really want to get in good, go start kickin some backside!! It is not mandatory for you to join the ACC, but it would win a big chunk of my favor as I am a junkie for the ACC.
I am in the process of massivley restructuring the Byss web site, and with it, the creation of the Eyes web site. I am also creating signature images for everyone in the house and clan. You may see the ones I have finished already on the Byss web site. Some visible changes have already been made, and I am working around the clock to get the site up to my never-ending demanding standards and finish the Phyle web site. I have also been tasked by the Quaestor to work on the Exars Shadow web site as well, but if their TET wants a go at it then it might get done faster, as I am going to focus on the House and Eyes as priority.
Anyone who entered any of the competitions I had running before I resigned and submitted them to me have already been nominated for their awards. As of now, any competition I run will see you recieveing a Quartz Crescent just for participating. So, if you place one of my competitions, now you will get two medals, and you get one just for being active! You can't beat that.
Make sure to CC me with any of your communications so that I know whats going on with you... if I don't know what you are doing, then I can't credit you with the proper activity level. That means when you email anyone in the DB with "official" correspondence, myself, Jonoleth, and Erryc should be in your CC section, unless of course it is to one of us, then you may get away with not having us there. Also, as of now, I am asking that you reply to this report in the reply section so that I know you read it. If I know you read it, then I know you know whats going on. LOA members are exempt from making a reply.
<font color="#0099FF">**Tyro News_**</font>_
<font color="#CC33FF">Dark Jedi Knight Vithril<font color="#FFCC00">-</font> <font color="#66FF00">Has entered the CEK logo comp, the Artifact of Power comp, recieved 2 Dark Side Scrolls, been selected as the second Magistrate to the Oracle, is currently working with SWM Exar Khaland<font color="#00FF00"> on some design work for a clan project he is heading up, has recieved a few crescents, has been designing custom lightsabers for the Brotherhood membership, and has been steadily cranking out Sig images for the Clan and House.</font></font></font><font color="#00FF00"> He has also taken Tetrarch Seiryte as his apprentice.</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"></font> <font color="#CC00FF">Novice Vicera Syn</font>- <font color="#66FF00">Has been active in the Shadow Academy</font> <font color="#00FF00">and has submitted to the Exars Shadow Motto Competition.</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"></font> <font color="#CC00FF">Protector Bartleby</font>- <font color="#66FF00">is on LOA.</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"></font> <font color="#CC00FF">Acolyte Dante</font>- <font color="#66FF00">Has been active this week and is posting on the message boards and the Yahoo groups.</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"></font> <font color="#CC00FF">Apprentice Shadow Stalker</font>- <font color="#66FF00">has been in-active this week.</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"></font> <font color="#CC00FF">Novice Relhok Nek</font>- <font color="#66FF00">is on LOA. </font>
<font color="#0099FF">Running Competitions</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Clan logo </font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Artifact of Power</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Death of a Master</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Krath Monthly Topics</font>
<font color="#CC33FF"> Character Developement Part 1</font> Part Two
<font color="#CC33FF"></font> Clan Hold: Castle Frost
<font color="#CC33FF"> <font color="#66FF00">The Challenge of Ashvroth</font><font color="#9900CC"> An ACC competition. Find a House member to team up with and do this one.</font></font>
<font color="#0099FF">Thoughts to Ponder</font>
<font color="#999999">Do Shadow Academy courses. I would like to see everyone in this Phyle with at least the Krath courses completed, but do as many as you feel comfortable doing, the experience will only help you in the long run. ACO and below, do the required courses for your promotions... When I was a NOV, I had every single SA course available at that time DONE. You are in a unique position these days in the Brotherhood to get promotions for SA courses. We didn't have it like that "back in the day".
Phyle competitions. I will always have some running, so you will have plenty to do. I suggest you participate as the activity helps the house, the clan, and the DB in general.
Stay active. There are a great many activities to take part in, such as the KMTs, various DB wide and Clan/House competitions, and by all means, join the ACC and do some battles. I suggest you read a few battles to see how they work in case you are unfamiliar with the setup. There is a Killer run-on in the works right now for the House Byss MB, so go join the fun! Also there are many other various run-ons happening all over the MB, so dont be shy, go find one ya like and dive on in. Submissions are also being accepted for the December 1st issue of the Dark Voice, so lets see some emails going out. You can submit stories, articles, poems, and artwork. Remember to CC me with any submissions you send in to any comp or Dark Voice issue.
<font color="#999999">If at any point any of you need help with anything, have any questions, or just want to shoot the proverbial sh*t, I am available to you. You can email me or find me in #db, #clanexarkun, and #krath in IRC. You also have a very awesome and wise QUA and AED, so take the opportunity to pick their brains often. Nag them, pelt them with emails, they love that stuff.
Update Report: Yes
Log out: Yes
DJK Vithril (Krath)/M:OCL-TET/Byss of Exar Kun [ACC: F]
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