|*** QuAeStOr RePoRt FoR hOuSe AlEeMa ***|
22nd November 2003
(#) News Viewer (#)
~ Clone Alert! All clones must be reported to your QUA, CON, Tron Sadow and Jac
~ KMT's for November are running
(#) Aleema Info Line (#)
~ Clan Competitions are still going! They end in December, but get your submissions in now! Before it's too late!
~ QUA is hoping that everyone is competing in the Clan Competitions.
~ Selecting a new AED soon!
(#) Aleema Stats (#)
%% Promotions %%
%% Medals %%
%% Exams %%
%% Miscellaneous %%
(#) Report Stat (#)
RM Report: Pending...
Aod Report: Pending...
SotN Report: Done
(#) Aleema Events (#)
(#) Quaestor's notes (#)
Ok, well you should all know by now about the clan competitions. Those of you who don't... must be dead! And if you're not dead, you soon will be >:P Not much else going on. So keep yourselves busy and compete in the Clan Competitions. And do it before chritsmas, so you won't be tied up with "family stuff".
$$$ End of Report $$$
KP Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto
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