Taldryan CON Report 11-23-03
Ok folks, lots of stuff this week, so lets get this going.
DB News
-Big news this week is the Emissarys announcement of the Clan Name Awards. These have been debated and worked on for quite awhile and they have finally been given the final okay! Basically they are the highest award a Clan can bestow upon a member, for very long-term and dedicated service to the clan, and it takes the form of a last name. Thus Taldryan recipients are given the last name Taldrya. This is something all members should strive for, but it will take dedication and hard work over the long run to get it! If you have any questions about this award, just email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I can answer them!
-The Combat Master has started a new type of cooperative ACC competition, the Challenge of Ashvroth. Its a great idea, and four Taldryan members (and two ex-Tal members) have already signed up for it! So if youre a Learner or higher in the ACC, go read about the Competition here:
Then find a partner and start writing!
-The DJB message boards have been moved here:
Thats djb.COM, so be careful to make sure you type it in correctly!
-Trev has released the newest edition of the Dark Voice! Go check it out at http://www.taldryan.org/dv/index.php!
-The Krath Monthly Topics for November are Turning Points and The Prophecy, see djb.org for all the details. There is the Character development competition, details also available on djb.org!
-Want to be active? Join the ACC!! To go check it out and get started on participation, go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/. Im a member, so if you join you will be able to fight me as well as many other Taldryan members!
-There is an open Multiplayer competition every Tuesday in #gmrg from 2-10pm EST. All platforms are used and CFs will be awarded!!
-Every Thursday night in #obelisk there is the Thursday Night Bash multiplayer event, from 6-10pm EST, all platforms are accepted, CFs will be awarded!
-Interclub Training Nights will be held every Saturday, at 4pm, in #Outerrim, all multiplayer platforms are accepted, CFs will be awarded, get out there and represent Taldryan!
-For more news you know where to go, the Main DB News page, found at:
Taldryan News
-Major Taldryan news is the awarding of the Clan Name Award to Mordin and myself! To read about it, go to djb.org and read the Emissarys weekly report. There are a few other members who I had recommended get this award too, so Im sorting that out and soon you will all get to read the Dark Ritual that goes along with this award (its good, trust me you REALLY want to read it!)
-Its that time again, what time you ask? Time for two new members of the Cohors Praetoria! So, drumroll please .(drumroll) the two new members are .Mordin and Fire-Knight! Both have been very active lately, and Mordin got 1st overall at the last JO WoW, great job both of you!!
-As you all probably read in the email I sent out, there is a new Clan-wide competition, the Headquarters Design comp. You can find all the details here:
-Some good news for all you JO players our there, I have purchased a 12-person JO server and it is now up and running! The IP Address is, and the Password is Talpwnz, get out there and play!
APP Silve to Archanis
APP Quarmador to Ektrosis
SWM Smitrock from Archanis to Ludo Kressh
Gained two new members and lost one. Just one thing everyone, if you have an issue with the Clan, please just email me and PCON Freshjive about it, dont immediately fill out a request and transfer out. Weve had two members do that in the last two weeks, and Id rather not lose any more members! So please, talk to me when youre having problems, I can help!
Benevolent Crescent, Cluster of Fire (2)
Awarded for: Tuesday Showdown
Kir Cluster of Fire (7)
Awarded for: ACC Ladder, Taldryan ACC Ladder
Shaithis Cluster of Fire (4)
Awarded for: ACC Ladder, Taldryan ACC Ladder
Arion Cluster of Fire (2)
Awarded for: ACC Ladder, Taldryan ACC Ladder
Xuthen Cluster of Fire (4)
Awarded for: ACC Ladder, Taldryan ACC Ladder
Crix Cluster of Fire
Awarded for: Taldryan ACC Ladder
Freshjive Cluster of Fire
Awarded for: Taldryan ACC Ladder
Aragorn Cluster of Fire (2)
Awarded for: Taldryan ACC Ladder
Shadow Cluster of Fire (2)
Awarded for: Taldryan ACC Ladder
As you may have noticed, CFs can now be awarded for Official ACC ladder matches/other official ACC competitions! So I awarded everyone these for their participation, good job!
ACO Brynntah to PRT
ACO Fire-Knight to GRD
NOV Saruan to ACO
NOV wolf to ACO
-If you ever need to see an old CON report, all of mine are up on djb.org!
Thats all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC, Im logged on quite often!
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan Mordin and Fire-Knight
Dark Brotherhood http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.eternalbyss.com/~taldryan/news.php
Antei Combat Center http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.chaoslogic.com/db/message_board/
Shadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html
Dark Side Compendium - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dsc/index.html
KE Kir Katarn Taldrya (Krath)/CON/Clan Taldryan [ACC:F]
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