gasp Oh my GAWD! I'm actually writing a report! The world's coming to an end! AAAHH!!
Yeah...I apologize profusely for this being SSSOOOO late, and for not even doing a report last week. There's not excusing this, and how I've generally been doing very late reports for the past few weeks. About all I can put it down to is that I'm just lazy...especially lately. For a few weeks now, I've hardly turned my laptop on...and, when I have, it's only been to do a little bit of writing, or to play Neverwinter Nights. And, I apologize...I havn't been as good a QUA as I had intended when I first took this position, and I'm trully sorry for that. And, to try and make up for it, I'm going to actually be present a lot more than I have recently. Message boards, AIM, Yahoo, IRC...comps, and all that fun stuff. So, look forward to being inundated with comps and messages once I get back in the swing of being a leader.
Anyways, getting on to the meat-and-potatos of a report...
-Legion was promoted to NOV! Congrats!
SA Courses:
-Dranik passed Sith Core, Sith ISET andMSN Messenger
-Anshar passed Sith Core
-Storm got 4 CFs for the ICTC, and Star of Antei for making a graphic for the House Caliburnus website
-Ma'arkhan got a Crescent with Emerald Star for taking first in the "Mystic's Favorite Weapon" comp, and a Dark Cross for being one of the most active in the Mystics
-Dranik got a Legion of the Scholar for taking part in the Tarentum Weekly Trivia
-Pyralis got an LS for winning the Tarentum Trivia, and another for taking part in it
-Spears was awarded 2 DSS for submitting to the Dark Voice, and a Steel Cross for being extremely active, and being of great help to Sith
-Shen Long got 3 DSS for submitting to the Dark Voice
-Anshar got 1 DSS for sending stuff in to the DV
-And, lastly, I was awarded a Steel Cross for "persevering in the face of adversity"
Boy, what a lot of medals to mention...of course, they've been sitting in my inbox for two weeks. Again, I apologize..
Anyways, moving on... If you're ever looking for something to do, then come ask me, Aari, or any of the TETs. Or, if you're feeling really ambitious, you could talk to Sithie..I'm sure that he could use you for something. I'll be sending a message later, detailing some things that you could do for advancement, or just for general fun.
And, if you have any ideas for comps, PLEEAAASSSE! Let me know! As it is, there isn't much going on as far as House comps are concerned...and we need some, severely. I'll try thinking some up on my own, but I promise anything. That's why I need your help, Gladius!
Oh, speaking of comps...I've been neglecting the awarding of a comp I hosted about a month ago. Remember my graphics comp? Yeah, that's been over for a while...and, it just slipped my mind, as always. So, after much heckling by a certain member, I now mention the winner, and the medal will be on the way shortly.
And the weener is......DRANIK! Sure, he was the only entry, but he still gets the medal...
Ok, I think that's enough of my rambling... Incase I forgot anything again, let me know. So, until next time, have a fun, safe and productive week!
KP Jason Hunter (Krath)/QUA/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: L]
SQXO/LCNL Jason Hunter[SSD Balestarius]/Wing Xiphos/Kunai
--Proud Wing V Vet! WC's OWN: MAR 2001, SEPT 2001
Wing V, The Hammer's Hellfighters: Winner, TIE Corps Commander's Award --
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