Oh my how time flys! As the holidays get closer we all tend to get busier with school and family. If anyone needs to take a LoA feel free to do so. Just make sure you let your leaders know :)
Phyle happenings and gossip!
Anshar ran his competition and got rather sad results. Where is everyone? He also got a DSS for a submission to the Dark Voice. Yay for Anshar for submitting to the DV!!
Storm got a Star of Antei for his work on another clan's sith house website. Why not work on one in Tarentum I wondered. Ah well he must have done a good job. :D
Dranik won the last round of trivia and so got a nice Legion of the Scholar for doing so. Will he do it again? I hope so! He also won the competition Anshar ran and so will be getting an Emerald Star.
Pyralis also won a round of trivia but I do not know when. Seems the awards didn't want to go through. Well they went through now and Pyralis got his Legion of the Scholar despite it being late. Many congrats to him.
I got second place in the competition Anshar ran. I don't get a medal for it but I had hoped to see more participate. I do so hope more will participate in this next one. Remember to send me your ideas!
Competition Stuffs.
This weeks TET Sponsored Tyro Competitions is brought to you by Dranik.
Title: Death of the Clones.
Write a story about the death of the clones. This should be a piece of fiction from your characters point of veiw. You can make up a name for the clone or if you know a real one than use it. Tell how they are treated and what you char thinks of the way they are being destroyed. THe more creative the way they are killed the better.
Must be at least a half to 3/4 of a page and no more than 5 pages.
Submit by midnight EST Saturday to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
And now for your moment of zen.
"We are now coming within viewing range of the phenomenon. Can we get video feed?"
On the screen appears the outside of the Gladius astroid and a giant swirl of darkness<
"As you can see something is there. We can only speculate that this vortex is what is sucking the activity right out of this renown Krath house."
Camera switches to the studio<
"Karen is there any way of knowing who is affected by this spacial vortex?"
Camera switches back to the vortex<
"No John but early reports indicate that it has affected 75% of the leadership and nearly that much of the membership."
Camera switches back to the studio<
"Thank you Karen please keep us informed of the situation. In other news..."
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