Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Prophecy Phyle Tetrarch Report #1:

Greetings guys and gals of Prophecy, many of you already
know who I am, but let me introduce myself to those who
don’t. My name is Dark JedI Knight Kris Omega but
y’all around here can call me Krissy since a couple of you
here started calling me that.

Looks at Epis Xizor in particular.

Anyway, as I was saying, I am married to Guardian Kronos
Omega, and don’t even think I’m playing favoritism, he has to
work just as hard. No, I’m not going to be hard butt on
anyone, but those who don’t participate will hear from me.
I will not allow any slackers on my team, those who don’t
like it know where the door is. Secondly, my door is open
24/7, so if you have any questions you can always email
me or catch me on AIM. My screen name is LLosey1822 or
if I’m sign on with AOL instant messenger, then my screen
name is KrisOmega.

Shifts papers to decide what to start on first.

Now onto House News

As you already know I’ve been promoted to your Tetrarch while
Epis D’hak has taken my place as Rollmaster. I also
received a Crescent with Sapphire Star for my
participation in Character Development Part Two.

In our Phyle News nothing much has happened here, but I’d like
to see something happen whether one of y’all get a
promotion or a medal, so please participate in one of the

I guess that’s all for news, now onto the competitions…

Challenge of Ashvroth:

Character Development Part Three:

Written in Blood:

Turning Points:

November KMT:

Please participate in one of the above competitions, good luck!

Also, those who don’t know me very well and who I don’t know,
please email me and tell me a little something about
yourselves so I can become familiar with you.


Krath Tetrarch DJK Kris Omega

Krath Tyro DJM Lurien Amadiciel

Krath Tyro Epis Korbane Ashoka

Krath Tyro Epis Xizor

Krath Tyro JH Kandos Katarn

Krath Tyro GRD Kronos Omega

Krath Tyro GRD Haste Black

Krath Tyro PRT Morgan

Krath Tyro PRT Jandos Phyleus Kalinor

Krath Tyro NOV Minoru

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