Another crafty message from the Klez virus - trying to spread itself - follows:
"This is a funny game
This game is my first work.
You're the first player.
I wish you would enjoy it."
The attachment associated with this message is the Klez virus.
Again these messages come from people you may or may not know, either from the DB or not. Also they are almost NEVER from the person they say they are from.
One property of the virus is to infect a user's address book. If DB member APP Newbie has GMFirefox & DGM Mai in their address book, it is quite possible that Klez will create an e-mail that sends to DGM Mai and claimes to be "from" GM Firefox with a copy of the virus attached.
Lately I have received messages "from" the KHP labeled "a excite game" with an attachment that was the Klez virus. Someone has the Klez virus, as well as the KHP and the HRLD in their address book.
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td></td><td>Dark Jedi Master Kaine Archon Mandaala
Herald of the Dark Brotherhood
"Fear will keep order"</td></tr></table>
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Is everybody affected in this kind of virus?