Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

-Phoenix Phyle Weekly Report-

Report #4

December 5, 2003


What? Report #4? What happened to number 3?

Yeah. As I mentioned in my report two weeks ago, I was out of town for a week. After a 12 hour drive getting back, I was in no shape to do much of anything for the next few days. Thus no report. Or much of anything this week. Sorry dudes. :P

Motto comp ended. I had zero Phyle participation, which was quite depressing! However, someone from another Phyle submitted one, and tomorrow, once I'm not feeling dead tired, I'll send off for his medal. I'll announce it in an email then.


Name change: KPN Aragorn Unteminar to

KPN Vail Aquillarum Unteminar

Transfer: KPN Arion Sunrider

House Ektrosis to House Qel-Droma

Transfer: KP Octavian

Rogues to House Ektrosis


Clan Headquarters Design comp! See info at:

Make a Ekky Motto, or something like that! Not that there was anything wrong with the old one. sniff


KP Keiran (me)


-email contact

-consistantly feeling dead

DJM Shups


KPN Aragorn Unteminar


-email activity

KPN Betja Jun

-no contact, as far as I know

KP Octavian

-Transferred in to Phoenix from Rogues

-email contact


Firstly, my apologies. I have been quite inactive since taking over TET of Phoenix, and it's beginning to annoy me. With any luck, I'll be able to sneak in some activity before New Years.

Secondly, welcome back to Ekky, Octavian! :P

Thirdly...there is no thirdly! So move on! :P

If you need something, or just get bored, look me up either by email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]), or via IRC on #taldryan (usually using the nick of "Coranel").

KP Keiran

KP Keiran (Krath)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan [ACC: L]



"O xein angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti tede, Keimetha tois keinon rhemasi peithomenoi"

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