Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

RollMaster’s Report

House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae

6 December of 2003

Brief Statement:

Not that much activity this week besides the usual suspects; several people were active in the ICTE and received clusters of fire for that participation. However, there was some great news for our house. First, Master Arania has changed her name to Arania Aquillarum Lawakiro. As I understand, there is some connection with this name and other members of the DB so nice job there. We should also congratulate Master Arania on her society elevation to Guardsman of the Grand Master’s Royal Guard; this is an honor for this house. We also had one new member transfer into the house this week from the rouges, APP Psinne. Let’s all make them feel welcome here.


The House roster currently stands at 15 members with no active Phyles.

Rank Name

Dark Jedi MasterArania Aquillarum Lawakiro

Epis Saitou

Priest Vally "Day" Tamalar

Dark Jedi Knight Jarick

Dark Jedi Knight Talarak

Guardian Jordan McKell

Guardian Yun

Protector Kschamehellan

Acolyte Anubis

Acolyte Cadre

Acolyte RevengeX

Acolyte Serphe Jenaikhan

Acolyte Water Wolf

Novice Kark Araterm

Apprentice Psinne

This isn’t that bad once again. We are beginning to get new members but the best way to recruit is by word of mouth, so get to it. Also, besides several notable people this house has an activity problem, get out and do something. I know we have a new house motto competition so that should be interesting to see what results. I am also a learner in the ACC so anybody of this rank and above feel free to challenge me, I’m always available and ready for a fight.

-PRT Kschamehellan

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