Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report


Seems as if the first time come for me to write something reportive - informative - derogitive - vaguely sexual (sees all the little trooper eyes go BIG) for the battleteam. I'll handle this in good ol Pheniox-fashion: short, vaguely sexual content, drunk to the hairline.

(Hey Pheniox, these little bottles, those inscripted with 'Word-mightyness enhancer' , I found in your desk really work hickup).

Well, as for the informative part of this report:

Crimson Vanguard is still running ( If I hadn't said that, Rai would rip my arms off and beat me to death with em. Sometimes he's such).

http://home.comcast.net/~manesh/hlk/Chaotic_Vengeance.html - This holds everything you need.

Well, next point should be ICTE, I think...

I saw Zacfer (and I bet he went out chopping for good), Keiran who played and Vicious who dared to fall asleep directly under my eyes...

Zac and Keiran both get a "nice work" while Vicious get's a Dark Cross for being so utterly bold to do that...

Well, I'll need to deliberate some more on how fittingly punish Vicious:) I consider dressing him in women clothes and sending him on a date with Pheniox but maybe somebody else from the Battleteam has a suggestion...

Well, about the Battleteam:

I recently checked my new admin options in the database and couldn't hinder myself to stumble over the little link saying Unit Administration Options - Set Battle Team information. Imagining options like setting "Battleteam - Clown" and "Battle-Team mascot", I only found fields for Motto, Web Site and Message Board.

Being tempted to simply put in "Pheniox' mansluts", I resisted and rather like the battleteam to send in submissions. for this.

Well, (Could it be I begin every little point in this report with "Well"?), I think that was everything due to be said. All in all, everything goes well (Hah, I said it again).I wish to see some more noses at comps from now on (Yes, this includes actually killing something Vicious. No, warming my bed is not an alternative to get around the bloody work, that might have worked for Pheniox but I prefer resting on cold dead rock).

GRD Beowulf (Obelisk)/SGT/Primus Goluud of Naga Sadow [GMRG: SVP] [ACC: INI]



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