|*** QuAeStOr RePoRt FoR hOuSe AlEeMa ***|
13th December 2003
(#) News Viewer (#)
~ Some Dark Council members are on LOA
~ KMT for December is still going. Check the DJB news for posted details.
(#) Aleema Info Line (#)
~ CSK Competitions are still running.
(#) Aleema Stats (#)
%% Promotions %%
%% Medals %%
%% Exams %%
GRD M'Kel Kahn completed Krath Runon Exam
ACO Jyx Zirv compeleted ICQ Studies Exam
%% Miscellaneous %%
(#) Report Stat (#)
RM Report: Done
AoD Report: Done
SoTN Report: Pending...
(#) Aleema Events (#)
(#) Quaestor's notes (#)
Not very busy this week. Either everyone is busy buying christmas presents or they're doing the CSK Competitions. And i better see some medals in my inbox by the end of the comps! >:|
$$$ End of Report $$$
KP Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto
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