Report for week ending 13/12/2003
Another week has gone by some of you have been active some of you have not. Plus we have more new members so give them all a big welcome. Names will follow later in the report.
With the addition of a new phyle both Tiss and myself have appointed a new TET, congrats to KP Kell Wraith on his appointment as TET of the Avatars of Death Phyle. :p
JH Alex Draconis better known as Bograt has changed his name to Alex Feng Long
1: Promos/Awards/Courses
NOV Oolth Brandon promoted to ACO
KE Tissaya Luna Argat awarded a Steel Cross for placing first in the Epic Comp
PRT Manji awarded a Cresent with Amethyst Star for placing second in character development comp #3
ACO Oolth Brandon passed both Krath Test of Skill and Krath Grammar studies
2: Coming and Going
PRT Fahlen Diamondflame
APP Michina
None, good :p
3: Comps
The clan wide comp continues details can be found here at
Taking part in this would be a good idea folks.
Also the HMR run-on in conjunction with this comp has started on the message board.
Courtesy of the DC
Capital Gains Comp,
All the details can be found here,
The HMR run on continues, it's good practice for any of the bigger comps which will come along. It's located at the following address,
From the KHP
"Sixty Minutes"
There are developments that take months and years, but there are also those moments where an hour is all it takes to make you a different person.
Write about such an hour that affected your character. A short introduction to establish the setting and/or an afterword to tie up a loose end are legitimate, but you should visually separate it from the main story. The event depicted in that one hour is up to you, it could be something you did or something that happened to you.
Length requirement: 2 pages minimum, not counting the intro and afterword. Intro and Afterword should be a maximum of half a page each.
Kaiann's running this one, so entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .txt or .doc format by 31st Dec.
"Antei Archaeology"
With the recent arrival of the Dark Brotherhood on Antei, and the subsequent building of the Great Hall, many objects have been uncovered that obviously belonged to the people who had once lived on this planet years ago. With most, only a shard or a small piece remain to suggest what it may have been, but a number have been recovered intact.
Your task:
Find random artifact, (official DB artifact, or made up by yourself). Use it's name as the title of a haiku poem. (i.e. "Ring of Wisdom", "Emerald Orb" etc.) In your poem describe that artifact, discuss the way you found it or whatever you would like to write about it, but it must focus on the artifact.
If you are not aware of how to write Haiku, check it out in Poetry Course notes, available in Shadow Academy.
Tiss is running this one, so entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .txt or .doc by 31st Dec. (Please note that artifacts described will not be official DB artifacts unless approved by the DGM's office)
Ok that should be everything, if I missed anything I'm sure Tiss will point it out to everyone for me. :p
In Darkness,
KAP Janos Silverwulf
Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos
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