It's been a rough week for me. I've been fighting this flu virus the entire time and I've not been around much because of that. Seems like everyone has it.
Phyle happenings and gossip!!
I really have nothing to report on. I've spoken with a few people but that's about it. I just realized I didn't CC Jason last week. Sorry for that.
Anshar told me that no one but myself participated in the last TET sponsored tyro competition. I was sad to hear this. Anyone care to tell me what's wrong with my competitions?
Competition stuffs!!
Speaking of competitions, I've got a new one that'll be out Monday and run until the end of the year. Dranik suggested I run a Christmas-like competition so I made something with a little of everything in it. Submissions go to me and medals will be given for each item listed.
Title: Tis the Season!
Christmas Jedi style! We all have our ways of celebrating the holidays in real life but what about Star Wars characters? Do they even have something similar to Christmas? Write about this holiday celebration from your characters point of view.
At least 1 page .doc .rtf or .txt Times New Roman
That crazy tree! Make a graphic of a tree decorated as you like. The crazier the better! It doesn't have to be a work of art, just fun.
Submit in .bmp .jpg or .gif
Christmas song rewrite! Take a holiday song and rewrite it with a Jedi theme. Please tell me which song you are rewriting. Submit in .doc .rtf or .txt Can't be the same one for the KHP's competition.
Dream gift. What is the one thing your character wants the most and why?
Submit in regular email.
Now remember that there are a lot of competitions going on right now. This includes the Capital Gains competition that has just started. Make sure you check the DB news page or the competition page on the DB and the phyle website for updated information.
Question of the week.
How long will the Ask a stupid question & get a stupid answer thread go on?
An now for your moment of peaceful zen.
"Hmm. I think I'll go grab a late night snack."
You make your way to the kitchen and find the place dark and empty. You decide to just go to the back and help yourself to what you can find. You round the corner to the kitchen and stop in your tracks. Before you is a brightly lit kitchen with twenty Jawa's running around making food for the next day. You notice before you run away that there is a large crate on the floor with hundreds of black vials in it. The crate is marked Glitteristium and the Jawas are grabing up as many as they can and adding them to the food.
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