By the power vested in me by the Grand Master, I have this day, on recommendation from DA Mejas Doto, and by consideration of the merit of that recommendation and my true belief in the worthiness of the member in question, KAP CyberGuy Entar is hereby promoted to the rank of Krath Epis, with all honours and privileges granted therein.
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Damn... ya beat me to it, Mai. :P
I was just skipping off to recommend CG something wonderful for his unbelievable work with the Shadow Academy database...
Congrats, CG. ;)
Congratulations, CG. You really have earned this!! :D
Good job CG, well deserved and well worth it!
I was wondering when they'd promote ya :P Stop by my office and you can have some of the Consular treats I got :P Congrats dude!
KAP to KE in two weeks isnt bad :P
Congratulations from me as well CyberGuy you truly deserved that elevation for your great work on the whole website.
Well done mate! I'm glad it went through as easily as it did, then again nobody can say you don't deserve it!
Congratulations....though I feel it'll take a lot more work to get Pontifex :P
Woo CG you show them!! >:P
Woah! KE.. nice :P `grats Cybey! :)
I want to thank all of you!
Especially Mai, FF and Mejas.
Khobai? From KAP to KE in two WEEKS? Make that months :P
Thank you!
Grats CG. I kept on bugging FF about promoting you and see if your SCL trail period is over.
Thanks CoFo.
I also want to thank you for some other thing that I noticed in my dossier ;-)
Congrats CG! Just in time for you to use your new powers in the GJW.
Congrats Cybey... I was about time, wasn't it?